I uploaded my nephew's gedcom file. Can I select members to add to my tree?

+2 votes
in WikiTree Help by Sheldon Hamilton G2G Crew (490 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Yes. Now that you have uploaded the GEDCOM, you will need to process your GEDCOMpare report. This report will present possible matches to the individuals in the GEDCOM. You will have to evaluate every possible match and either accept or reject the match. Once you have either accepted or rejected every potential match, you will get "ADD" buttons next to the names of the individuals in the GEDCOMpare report. You can then select which of those individuals you wish to add to the WikiTree worldwide tree. (Note: there are no individual trees here, it is all one big collaborative tree. You will be Profile Manager for the profiles of those individuals you add to the tree, but others are able to "add value" to those profiles by adding sources, information, etc. just as you are able to "add value" to profiles which other people manage.)
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (597k points)
How do I make them show up in my tree after I compare and accept them?

After you have compared them all and either accepted or rejected all matches you will get "ADD" buttons next to all which can be added as new profiles. It can be a long and laborious process to do the entire comparison if your GEDCOM was very large.

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