Today the location is Chrząstowo (Kamień Pomorski) (dt. Granzow), Dorf in der Gmina Kamień Pomorski, Woiwodschaft Westpommern, Polen.
Christfelde today is Chrząstowo, community Kamien Pomorski, Woiwodschaft Westpommern.
The old location was Christfelde, Kreis (county) Schlochau, Regierungsbezirk (governmental area) Marienfelde, Provinz (province) Westpreußen, Königreich (kingdom) Preußen, Deutsches Reich (German Empire).
Christfelde had no lutheran church, but a catholic church. I would sugest to start searching the catholic parish records.
Archion would not be helpful, because there you find only lutheran parish records.
I will look on matricula.
The polish archiv system is very good and you can find a lot online. The problem is that most of the pages are only in polish language avaible.
Maybe some native polish speaker can help here.