I have been looking for a birth or baptism place and parents for Elizabeth since 2013.
Her last name is variously spelled; Willdey, Wildey, Wilday, Willday, Wideley, Widelay. On her 1786 marriage record it is spelled Willdey, a John Willdey is listed as a witness.
There are other Willdey and alternates families found on baptism records in Lichfield, Cannock, Tipton, Lapley and Wolverhampton. The only records I have found for 'Elizabeth' are 13 July 1759, Higham on Hill, Leicestershire, parent Benjamin, and 26 April 1765, Lapley, Staffordshire, England, Parents John and Mary.
She married in 1786, even if she was 15 when she married that means a birth date of ~ 1771, more likely earlier.
Her husband Samuel Bickley was born in 1765, Walsall, Staffs.
Any ideas?