Are you interested in Medieval Chronicles?

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I'm looking for someone that will take over management of this page:

The English translation is "British writers of the Middle Ages", but is also known as "The Roll Series". There are over 100 volumes. Please see the Wikipedia article and the Index, which are both shown at the top of that page. More work needs to be done to describe and organize the various volumes. Perhaps there are more volumes and links that need to be added too. Volume numbers were never consistently assigned during publication, but they probably should be set to be consistent with this Index

Although it has not been linked directly to any WikiTree profile, the page has over 700 views and it is a source used by Douglas Richardson in his Ancestry Series and in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England  .

If you are interested in this source, please use the link on that page to make a request to be on the Trusted List. In addition, if you also want to be the Manager, please post a comment here. Once another Manager has been assigned I will remove myself as manager.

in The Tree House by Rick Pierpont G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill
I added a few more tags to bring this to the attention of more members.

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