Quest for Great-Grandparents: Hymn Writer Edition - Verse 2

+9 votes

I realised, belatedly, that I listed 19 hymn writers for the first Hymn Writers challenge. Normally, I try to stick to 14 people per challenge, partly to keep a challenge from being so hard that it discourages people, partly to make comparisons between how complete each challenge is a little bit more fair, but mostly because, if I go past 14 people, I hit the size limit on G2G messages. (Apparently, tables use up a lot of characters!)

So, partly because of that imbalance, and partly because I have received suggestions for still more hymn writers, what I'm going to do is pull five of the hymnwriters who are still unconnected and have no great-grandparents listed from the first challenge, add nine new ones to bring the list up to fourteen people, and list them here in this challenge.

The rules are the same as for Quest for Great Grandparents: Hymn Writer Edition - Verse 1. Play on!

Name Great-grandparents Connected
Cecil Frances Alexander (Ireland) 0 Yes
Hendrik Franciscus Andriessen (Netherlands) 8! Yes!
Francis of Assisi (Italy) 0 No
Carl Boberg (Sweden) 0 Yes!
Jean de Brebeuf (France) 0 No
William Henry Draper (England) 7 Yes!
Franz Gruber (Austria) 0 No
Jón Oddsson Hjaltalín (Iceland) 7 Yes
Fred Kaan (Netherlands) 8! Yes!
Elias Lönnrot (Finland) 0 No
Joseph Mohr (Austria) 0 No
William Henry Monk (England) 0 Yes!
Sebastian Temple (South Africa) 0 No
Nicholas Zinzendorf (Germany) 4 Yes

in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (732k points)
edited by Greg Slade

Note: Some people in this challenge were born early enough that they will need WikiTreers with the Pre-1700 badge, or even the Pre-1500 badge, to work on them.

This challenge is now in 17th place in terms of percent complete, at 13.4%. In terms of great-grandparents still to find, it's in 16th place, at 97. The next challenge to catch in both terms is Quest for Great-Grandparents: Archivist Edition, at 18.8% and 91 great-grandparents to find. 

Greg, I added 4 great grandparents for William Henry Draper today, and found 2 GGs which are not added at this point. At a dead end on greats I think. Very Fun! Sherrie Mitchell-17863

Thank you, Sherrie!

This challenge is now in 14th place in terms of percent complete, at 22.3%. In terms of great-grandparents still to find, it's in 13th place, at 87. Ironically enough, the next challenge to catch in both terms is Quest for Great-Grandparents: Hymn Writer Edition - Verse 1, at 25% complete and with 84 great-grandparents still to find.

Greg, We now have 6 greats, and 8 gg for William Henry Draper, and I have 2 ggg to add.
I just want to thank those who have worked on connecting these people. I had a great time finding my cousins in the bunch from Verse 1 (Fanny Crosby, Horatio Spafford and Charles Wesley) and so far I am remotely related to Count Von Zinzendorf from this edition.

This challenge is now in 11th place, both in terms of percent complete, at 29.5%, and in terms of great-grandparents still to find, at 79. The next challenge to catch in both terms is Quest for Great-Grandparents: France Edition, at 39.8% complete and with 77 great-grandparents still to find.

Greg, we have 8 greats for William Henry Draper.

Sherrie, I don't count greats with Unknown last names. Sorry.

3 Answers

+8 votes
I did a little on William Henry Draper, adopted profile and added research for his father, have the Draper grandfather, and grandmother LNU. Welcome helpers!
by Sherrie Mitchell G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)

Thank you, Sherrie!

+9 votes
I did most of Fred Kaans g-grandparents today. Will do the rest another day.
by Eef van Hout G2G6 Pilot (199k points)
With a lot of  help from BWJ who made the connenction to the tree.

Thank you, Eef!

Full board for Fred Kaan. I found a fascinating story about his parents that helped hiding a member of the resistance in WWII, Fred met her again in 2005!
fred kaan has 8 g-grandparents. No thanks to me because BWJ Mollier was a bit faster than I.

I think I will spend some time with the Andriessen family.....


Yes, I see a connection for Andriessen. I will need to create 6 profiles to get in 30 steps to the hymnwriter. See you in a bit!
via Fokker?
ergens een dochter trouwt met een Fokker maar kon geen direct verband vinden
Hoi Eef! Nee, via Calis. De verbinding begint bij Willem Vester en Johanna Francina ten Berge. Even geduld aub. :D
En gedaan. Morgen maar eens kijken hoeveel stappen we verwijderd zijn.

Bedankt BWJ!!
Sir Greg! We are complete 8/8 for Fred Kaan and Henk Andriessen. What's next?
Was cornelis van houten (goodiemakers challenge) already connected? I know he still missed some great grandparents this morning

Coenraad van Houten is connected, but has no great-grandparents listed on WikiTree yet.

+3 votes

Thank to Donna (Tucker) Baumann for connecting William Henry Monk to the main tree. He still needs great-grandparents, but at least he's been connected now.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (732k points)

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