My father arrived in Normandy, France on D-day +3. By the 20 th day, after clearing the harbor of obstructions, they started repairing a bridge. My dad told me that a German 88mm artillery piece was on top of a hill and disrupted their repairs several times a day. The German officer seemed like he didn't want to kill or injure anyone, as he would fire one round 100 yards long, wait 5 minutes, fire another 100 yards short. Wait 5 minutes and land one right on the bridge. Giving the repair crews plenty of time to clear the area.
This went on for several days until the hill was taken by allied forces.
I wanted to share this family photo of Alfred Webb with the community. Location: Vire River, Normandy beach head. Date: Jul 1944.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (1727 x 1296).