Translation Help with 1685 Mexican Marriage record

+4 votes

I have been on a roll with my Mexican roots and it is so exciting! However, this one has me a little stumped.  It is the marriage of Geronimo Calderon and Juana de la Bara from 1685.  Every other marriage record I have seen lists the parents' names, but with this one I am not clear on a few things (my Spanish is OK for simple modern conversations, but the old colloquialisms tend to stump me).  So, my questions are about what comes after the couple's names: 

1.  Who are Gaspar Ramirez, Luis Martin and Juo. de Saldana?  I thought the fueron les hijos mean they are the children of these people, but the surnames don't add up, and I'm used to seeing things like hijo legitimo de...  but there is none of that here.  

2.  What does the noto publico after Gaspar Ramirez refer to?  Public notice?  Notary public?  

3.  In the margin, is says murió el ??? - which I would think refers to a death but I'm just not clear on that.

Document is the one on the bottom left of the page; also, it doesn't appear to indicate the race of this couple but it does for all the others on the page.  Any insight on that?

in Genealogy Help by Roxanna Malone G2G6 Mach 3 (34.7k points)
I had not seen this terminology before, so I am interested in it’s meaning as well.

If you can find the Informacion Matrimonial there might be some more insight.

Since Geronimo Calderon is Don Geronimo Calderon, I would expect him to be Español.

1 Answer

+8 votes

Hola R.

1. ... fueron testigos Gaspar Ramirez not[ari]o publico, Luis Martin y Ju[an] de Saldaña =

The witnesses of the ceremony were the three of them.

2. not[ari]o publico = public notary.

3. murio el dho = murio el dicho (Geronimo Calderon). Meaning that the said Geronimo Calderon died (DOD is not stated).

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (860k points)
Thank you so much!  I was thinking the three names were witnesses.  So, no parents' names on this one, I guess.  And I'm not sure why his death would be noted on his marriage record, but I'm thinking that means that at some point there was a death record for him in the same church.  Something else to look for!  Thanks again!
You are welcome, R.

And you are right, no parents' names listed on this marriage record.

R, were you aware there are WT profiles for Geronimo and Juana?

They also had a son named Gregorio Gonsales christened 21 Mar 1689. The document can be seen here, 2nd item from the top in the page at the RH side.

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