Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!
There are quite a few genealogy stories to go over this week. Let's start at the beginning!
Last Sunday, I was checking my dad's DNA matches and I checked the common ancestors tab. I scrolled down and I saw a guy named Vinny. I had a good laugh. Because this means I technically have a cousin Vinny. I wonder if he's a lawyer....And sounds like Joe Pesci.
I thought that was hilarious. I shared it on Twitter and the genealogy peeps had a good laugh.
Fast forward to Tuesday and I wrote a blog about how proud I am to be Italian American: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2020/10/52-ancestors-week-42-proud.html And why am I proud of my Italian heritage. It's so weird talking about pride because it's one of the seven deadly sins and when I think of pride I think of the guy that has this gold plated car or something. That dude is out there. Probably in Pip's neck of the woods. ;)
I also discovered a couple articles involving my great-grandparents, Austin Felker and Henrietta Legault and my grandfather, Robert Hamel. In June of 1930, my great-grandparents were on a skiff and it hit a coast guard boat in the Merrimack River. They ended up in the water. I don't know if you know this but even in June the river is cold. But, I can only imagine how gross it was. It took decades for the river to get cleaned from all the mill gunk.
Seriously, by the time I was a kid in the '80s it was STILL gross!
ANYWAY! I shared the story with my mom and other members of the family. My uncle told me that the skiff the Felkers were on was probably the same one he and his siblings fished for flounder in. My mom and her siblings got bait and fished in the mouth of the river for supper.
Later that day, I saw an article about my grandfather getting promoted in the service. My mom was mentioned.
Great genealogical finds out of Newburyport. Hey, Haverhill! You want in on this action? PLEASE?! Put newspapers online!!
Ahem. Sorry. Bit of New Englander in me.
While searching for Marinaros on Wikitree, I found this guy. Dominick Marinaro. He had no parents or real background other than his military service. They listed his birthplace as Haverhill. So, I looked into it and he was the nephew of this lady, Natalina Marinaro. I need to put the band back together because I have the names of the parents. Just no sources.
I messaged the guys who created the profile and spruced it up. Info was from the Italians in Haverhill book. Good stuff in there and now we have 50 people from the book on Wikitree. Hundreds more are in there. HUNDREDS!
On the non genealogy front, it is cold and rainy. We had a nice day the other day and I helped my mom put away the furniture that was outside. Pretty good day to do that.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!