There are so many missed DNA Cousins being missed because of wikitree members not downloading their DNA to

+3 votes
The question says it all, and I just want to know why more than a few people I am seeing are hardly downloading their DNA to  Know matter which DNA Lab you use to test your Autosomal DNA, you can attach your DNA to your wikitree family and your personal profile to

How many of you go to gedmatch, and hope that more of us who are working on wikiTree has added one's DNA tests to both wikiTree, and gedmatch. Like a lot of you I scan the number of people who have downloaded their DNA and find that it matches mine.  If only they would use their real name, and take the opportunity to use the best Genealogy website that is available to us all.(
WikiTree profile: Keith Mann Spencer
in WikiTree Tech by Keith Mann Spencer G2G6 Mach 3 (34.2k points)
I think a lot of people were put off by the idea that police or other investigators were using the information.  It doesn’t bother me, and yes, you can opt out, but I think that’s at least part of the reason.
I have privacy concerns, so I do not use it.

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