Owen is a recently orphaned profile - look for his descendants can you help

+3 votes

Owen Cloran (1898) a new addition to wikitree that has been orphaned. He has some basic information and one source, His parents and siblings are identified but no spouse or children.  He is Unconnected to the main tree so is out on a limb, can you help attach him to the tree and build his profile a bit more

WikiTree profile: Owen Cloran
in Genealogy Help by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (347k points)
edited by Janet Wild
I'm 21 degrees from Owen's father, Matthew.
Thank you for the information, about Owen. Do you know which seminar he attended for his religious studies?

You say he is a Reverend, was he a Catholic priest?

Trying to establish if his religion was one that meant he never married or if a marriage might have been possible. I am based in the UK so my understanding of the various religions with the USA is limited
My understanding is that Saint Stanislaus Church is a Catholic church in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

Wikipedia states that "The Shrine Church of St. Stanislaus is the home of a Catholic parish within the Diocese of Cleveland. St. Stanislaus is one of the major historic centers of Polish life in Cleveland, Ohio, especially for Poles with roots in Warsaw and surrounding areas, and is often called the mother church for Cleveland's Polish Population..."
Thank you Frank will add a short paragraph to his biography He is marked no spouse no children.

Shall have to try to connect him to the main tree via his family

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Owen M. Cloran, Find A Grave Index

Rev. Father Owen M. Cloran died at estimated age 69. He lived in Parma, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio and died 16 Jan 1967. Burial at Saint Stanislaus Cemetery.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Kathleen Miller
As a catholic priest he would have had no spuse and no children. The no spouse, no children boxes should be ticked.
Done thanks

Any idea what the M stood for, is his middle name perhaps Matthew after his father?
I guessed Matthew too, but in checking into it, he was Owen Michael Cloran on his WWI Draft Registration Card 1917-1918.

It was called "the war to end all wars", but it later became known as WWI.

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