Notes/Bio removed when error in marriage date format when creating profile [closed]

+3 votes
I think this is a new problem. I am not finding the post about the recent updates to the codes so I apologize for not posting this there.  This is new behavior.

I was adding a spouse. The date for the marriage I copied had an extra space (e.g. January [space space] 4, 1846) which has always resulted in an error saying the date is not in the correct format; removing the extra space fixes the problem. I frequently get/make this mistake.  However, this time when I went to correct the date, I found that all the text i had added to the notes/bio section had been deleted
closed with the note: Bug fixed
in WikiTree Tech by W Robertson G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
closed by W Robertson
Thanks for reporting this, W. I've added it to the list of bugs.
The fix should be live now.
Thank you!

1 Answer

+2 votes
Did you add the text to the Bio and then go to add the marriage date without saving the text first?
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)
I did exactly as I have done previously. I added a [marriage] date with an extra space (I regularly copy dates from and single digit dates have 2 spaces and I often forget to correct this when I paste). I added a bio with a ref source. I got the error about the date. I fixed the space problem. I saved again. This is when it was different - I got an error that there was no source because my bio + ref was removed. So I posted here because this is new behavior of the system. I then re-added the bio + ref again and was able to create/save the profile.

Perhaps I have never done this at profile creation. It seems unlikely because I make the extra space problem so frequently, but I do more typically add sources than create profiles, so it it is possible I never have done this exact thing. I am sure I have done this previously when creating a profile with a birth or death date, but I am not positive about the marriage date. Because the underlying code has recently changed I am assuming that is what caused this new (I think)  issue.
I asked because, I have done that before. I made edits and added sources to a profile but did not save it before I went to edit the marriage date. It changes the page and will not save the edits you have made unless you save them first.

I am not sure what would have caused that. Usually, the only time it doesn't save is when two people are editing at the same time. This is something new.

Hopefully, one of the wonderfully Tech's can figure it out.
As it was a new profile, I was unable to save it without the sources in the ref tag. I try to always include the marriage date when adding a spouse. My actions were completely routine for me, including the extra space in the date. The system response was different which is why I think it is connected to the underlying code changes made in late September. I am just reporting a change in behavior in the software as requested a few weeks back. While losing the bio + ref was mildly irksome, I wouldn't have bothered to comment had I not thought it was connected to those changes.

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