How do I change my profile gender? [closed]

+6 votes
For some reason my profile is set to female (I’m definitely a male) and I can’t figure out how to change it to male.

Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction?
WikiTree profile: William Menzies
closed with the note: Answered
in WikiTree Help by Will Menzies G2G Crew (350 points)
closed by Jillaine Smith

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer
Hey Will,


You have to edit your profile itself. So go to the tab with 'edit' (not the genealogical bio on the top). Then one of the options at the bottom of the data is gender.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (342k points)
selected by Rick Peterson
Thank you, Michel!
Thank you, Michael! I was having a similar problem. I forgot to enter gender and apparently it defaults to Female.
Yes, there is a 'guessing table' for gender. If it happens that the given name is in that table, you end up with the most likely gender. My name always shows that problem in US based systems.
At date 08 April 2022 there is no option to chnage gender in the Edit section.  There is a reference with a green dot - but no options
I just checked my own profile. I can change me gender when clicking on the value.

You cannot edit Will's gender as he is a living member.

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