Where is he buried?

+1 vote
WikiTree profile: John Beech
in Genealogy Help by Anonymous Beech G2G Rookie (160 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
This might not be him, but might be a relative since it is in Biddulph:  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/164648068/john-beech  But the stone is no longer legible -- the church might have some register....
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (304k points)
Thanks Shirlea.  It's too old a gravestone to be his, but is very likely a relative of some kind, but there were a lot of Beeches in Biddulph.  The stone looks in good condition and it's very likely there would be a date on it lower down if a bit of turf could be removed.  www.freereg.org.uk has the St Lawrence burials, though probably not as recent as the 1920s, and there are half a dozen John Beeches buried there before 1800 which is what I would guess the age of the stone to be based on what cemetery transcriptions I've done.
Yes.  I see he lived in Uttoxeter for a while -- I also see from the Probate that he lived at Coltsmoor Farm near Bradnop shortly before passing away.  Maybe there is a cemetery nearby, and maybe he is buried there...

Thanks again, I've added the probate record to his profile.  There is a church at Bradnop, but FindAGrave doesn't have a listing for it and it looks from satellite photos like there is no graveyard at the church.
I wonder if there might be an obit in a local newpaper, and whether it might mention the cemetery.  Or if there are funeral home records.  

It might be useful to check where his daughter Rebecca was buried, since her family may have taken care of the arrangements for her father John.
of course the most likely place for him to be buried is beside Hannah his wife who passed away 5 years earlier (is that correct?).  I'm going to guess that if we find her, we will find him there as well.

Another possibility is in the same cemetery as son Joseph who predeceased his parents in 1917.  Does anyone have eyes on his burial place?

Name: Joseph T Beech
Event Type: Death
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration Year: 1917
Registration District: Stoke On Trent
County: Staffordshire
Event Place: Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, England
Age: 35
Birth Year (Estimated): 1882
Volume: 6B
Affiliate Line Number: 80

Page: 258

Citing this Record
"England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:2JWP-BZ3 : 31 December 2014), Joseph T Beech, 1917; from "England & Wales Deaths, 1837-2006," database, findmypast (http://www.findmypast.com : 2012); citing Death, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, England, General Register Office, Southport, England.

+3 votes
I'm afraid I don't know.
by Corinne Morris G2G6 Mach 2 (27.8k points)
Thanks Joe, added this to Research Notes on his profile.
+2 votes

The profile bio notes he died in 1927 which ties in BMD Death Index, John Beech Leek 6b/294  q December 1927, age 80.

Again the bio records his residence in 1911 being Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire.

All records tie in with Shirlea's Find a Grave record.

by Anonymous Woody G2G6 Mach 3 (32.6k points)
This looks like John and Hannah in 1911: https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/21801023?h=9e78fc&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url

Edit:  i see the bio already references this
Anonymous Woody, I agree with you that based on the records alone, Shirlea's FindAGrave Record would be a very good match for him.  But based on changes in style in gravestones over time, it's very unlikely it is his grave.  "Here Lieth the Body" is an older form of language which was out of use by the 1920s (they would have said like us, "here lies the body").  The older gravestones, like this one, usually used large letters and mixed upper and lower case.  This https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/164634593/sarah-baddeley is one with fairly similar wording from the same churchyard dated from 1796 - the inscriptions on the vertical stones say "lie" and the one on the recumbent one says "lieth".

This https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/204495430/edwin-archer is a typical one from the same churchyard from 1914, as you can see it has smaller letters, all capital letters (though some are larger than others), and avoids mentioning the body.  These are typical of this period, however there are some gravestones from this period in time with each of these features.  There's always a chance someone in 1927 could have been given a gravestone that deliberately imitated old ones rather than one in the current style, but that seems unlikely enough that I would need to see more evidence supporting this being the right gravestone before I was convinced.

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