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+12 votes
I don't have a question today, I've only just found WikiTree.
WikiTree profile: John Woodgate
in The Tree House by John Woodgate G2G Crew (960 points)

We weren't hiding. :) Glad you're here.

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Welcome to WikiTree & G2G John! It is a wonderful community full of really great members. If you do have any questions or need help just ask your Greeter or post here in G2G. There are always a lot of very helpful members here.
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (441k points)
selected by Cheryl Hess
Thank you
+8 votes
There are about 486 with the Woodgate surname at WikiTree. To see them, you can go to the top right of the page and click on Find. Then take the Find menu down to Surnames. Enter the surname and the list should appear.

There are over 40 who are also named John Woodgate.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Yes, there are many Woodgates. I am trying to find a thread from Chiddingstone Woodgates to my ancestor in Tudeley, Thomas Woodgate born 1836.
Thank you.
+6 votes
Thomas Woodgate, England and Wales Census, 1881 at Bromley, Kent, England Chislehurst Street. Male age 45. Birth a Tudley, Kent, England. Wife is Eliza age 43 born at Tudley, Kent, England, Willie son 17, Charlotte daughter 15, Thomas D 10, Stephen H 8, James G 6, Rosetta daughter 4, Joseph 1 and Edward Turner age 24. All of the children were born in Bromley, Kent, England. Edward Turner was born Reigate, Surrey.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank you. James George is my grandfather. I don't understand 'Chislehurst Street' - I don't think there is or was one in Bromley, but the family lived right on the border between Chislehurst and Bromley, at the Goods Yard at Chislehurst Station.

I want to go back from Thomas towards the Somerhill or Chiddingstone Woodgates, if there is a connection. Also, there were Woodgates at Pembury which I have not found, and a mysterious Clare L Woodgate who married a Somerhill Woodgate, William Francis Woodgate, in 1838.
Hi John

Thomas Daniel was my paternal great grandfather

Best Wishes

Mine, too, of course, so we are second cousins, since first cousins share a grandfather.  My grandfather was James George. There is a new Daniel in the tree, via three steps of the female line.

Hi, Monica!
My great grandad was Thomas Daniel (brother of James)  his Daughter Ivy was my Grandmother so I think that makes us 2nd cousins once removed

'Removed' applies to different generations, but we are of the same generation, sharing  GGF Thomas.

Apologies I thought your original message said that George James is your Grandfather Thomas Daniels brother. Thomas Daniel is my great Grandfather so does that not make me a generation below you?
Ah, you mean 'Thomas D 10'  Yes, 'James G 6' was my grandfather, so we are once removed.
+8 votes
Hi John, and welcome to WikiTree. I am so glad that you decided to introduce yourself in our g2g forum. This is also the place that you would come to ask questions about your ancestors. We have many genealogists here that are willing to help you.

Welcome once again to WikiTree and I hope you love it as much as I do.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Thank you very much

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