False Positives for DB_ERROR_872?

+6 votes

I'm getting 872 suggestions on the linked profile where I see nothing wrong and think it may be giving false positives.

There is a second profile that appears to be false positive which is this one.

WikiTree profile: Mary Hance
in WikiTree Tech by William Foster G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
I have, in fact, seen false positives on some of the inline citation suggestions, typically where someone inserted some sort of elaborate formatting (such as a formatted table) inside a pair of <ref>...</ref> tags. Although the citation and the rest of the profile display as intended, a suggestion may be generated.

I have marked some of these as FALSE suggestions, but personally I would much prefer it if people did not attempt fancy tricks in their inline citations. One reason is that this practice makes it extremely difficult for most other members to edit the profile.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by William Foster
Ales had said 'in some G2G' that the citations are not supposed to be multiple lines with breaks, so that might be the problem that is caused.
+6 votes
I fixed Mary Hance.  That one was a missing ending slash with note 6.

I could find that one because enhanced editing showed more coloring through the heading which it shouldn't have.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (829k points)

In the info box, look for the <ref name> formatting or just the <ref>. In the area where those are, is where the problem is.  Sometimes it is the one before or after it.  

The Suggestion 872 Help page identifies how to 'read' the info box, in essence the ones that are formatted correctly.

The other one already got fixed also
We must have edited it at the same time. Mine came up with an edit conflict maybe.
There is no edit on Mary by you, so if you intended to make a change to her profile, it was somehow lost.
+6 votes

I found the issue.  There was a reference to prior definition that was missing the closing backslash.  I've updated the help page to explain the comment with an example.

d johnson;i;n johnson ;d colonial;d note1;n note2 ;n note3 ;n note4 ;n johnson ;d note2;d note3;d note4;n johnson ;d note5;d note6;n note5 ;n note6 ;<ref name= note6 >;n note1 ;i;n johnson ;n johnson ;n note5 ;n note3 ;n note1 ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;n johnson ;r

The issue was <ref name= note6 > needed to be <ref name= note6 />.

I also added a third possible cause to the documenation.

by William Foster G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
edited by William Foster
In that profile, there are multiple references to note 6 so it is 'trying' to help you identify where in the profile the problem exists

Please review my edits to the help page to see if you think it works for you.

That is 'one' reason for the suggestion.  I have seen a lot of different reasons for that suggestion, ie 'hard return' between the 'ref' and 'name' words, spaces between name and the =.  

It isn't a 'comment' on the Suggestion.  It is referred to as the 'Info Box' on the Suggestion because that is what it is labeled as.

It might be more explanatory to use 'as a ref tag' instead of just 'as a tag'

I am actually surprised that the page was left in Edit mode.  Data Doctor Suggestions normally cannot be edited, except by the Data Doctor Co-Ordinators, so Ales must have created at least that one without 'locking' it.
Page updated reflecting your suggestions.

In the 'possible causes' section on the Help page, one of the 'causes' is 'Reuse of a ref name without a closing backslash'


Slash is this character:  /

Backslash is this character:  \

Reference tags use the slash character.
@Tommy, corrected, thanks.

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