Is there any record available for London England in the 1650s?

+3 votes
Catherine Lalore was a Fille du Roy, arriving in New France in 1671.  Her parents are listed as Charles (or Philip) Lalore and Catherine Després, of London England, both already deceased then.

PRDH changes the father's name to Lawlor, although it is never found written like this in New France.  They tend to ''standardize'' names according to their own views, mostly statistical.

Are there records available in London England that could be consulted on any aspect of this family?  Catherine's DOB is based on what she is given as age in 1681 census.
WikiTree profile: Catherine Lalors
in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
retagged by Danielle Liard

2 Answers

+3 votes
I'm assuming she would have been Catholic, which would make her unusual. As I understand it, the majority of French in London at the time were Huguenots. Anti-Catholicism was rampant in England at the time, so I can't imagine they were run-of-the-mill people. Perhaps they were there on some official business; that would make it more likely for her to have been gathered up as a Fille du Roy after her parents' deaths.
by Living Hampson G2G6 Pilot (116k points)
I tend to agree, just found an item that makes me tag France project, seems there is a connection to Catherine de Baillon or her husband in the family.
+2 votes

On further research, I have just found that her son Gilles' 3rd marriage to Claude Miville bears this notice:
''la dispense de cousins remués de germain au troisième degré''

Claude is daughter of Catherine Baillon 


by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
Trés bon

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