The 80th regiment can be found but need to know what type of regiment. 80th foot is infantry, you also have engineers, cavalry, etc, .Let me know what year you are talking about. Information on the 80th Foot is long.
80th Foot. 18th century, 80th regiment of foot, ( Staffordshire Volunteers) 1973. To 1881, It joined with the 38th Foot and became the South Staffordshire regiment. Today it’s known as the 3rd Battalion Mercian Regiment. Then there is the 80th Regiment of Foot (Royal Edinburg Volunteers). 1778 to 1783, transferred to America in 1881, it surrendered at Yorktown, there is a place to get names of men in a regiment I will look it up will take a few days. But need year, he served. Smith-203576..