descendants of john W Goodworth 1809, trying to find where the middle name of Broughton came from? family

0 votes
John W goodworth born Yorkshire  1809 and died Dalwood NSW 1882. Descendants with middle name of Broughton... where did it come from?
in Genealogy Help by Lyn Johnston G2G Rookie (280 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Quite often, people were given mother's maiden name as a middle name, sometimes grandmother's. In the case of illegitimacy, it was a way of identifying the father.

If you add a few generations to your tree, it will probably reveal itself if it is a family name.
by Gillian Causier G2G6 Pilot (304k points)
+1 vote
I don't have the answer to your question, but interestingly, there was a Samuel Goodworth born around the same time as John Goodworth (1806) who married a Catharine Broughton in Snaith (Yorkshire) in 1834.  They named their son Broughton Goodworth.  I haven't found any connection between Samuel and John, but there may be one.
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (356k points)
thank you for that hint. I cant find any connection but will keep looking.  I live near Broughton Island (NSW) and found it was named after a Captain Broughton. so just trying to connect the dots...

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