516 Sig Service Det, part of the Signal Corps or a Brigade?

+4 votes

I found a relative of mine, Wilton C. Russell, who served in the 516th Signal Corps... according to his headstone application (I would post a link to it, but since I no longer have an ancestry account, it just automatically takes me to the subscription page). On his headstone it shows he served in 516 Sig Service Det, and when I google the name all it shows is the 516th Signal Battalion. So did Wilton serve in a Brigade? What category should he fall under in the military project, if any?

I'm sorry if this has a really simple answer, I'm very confused about what he actually served in.

in Genealogy Help by Marie Wallner G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
The unit was redesignated during its history, so it depends on when the man served. Since Mr. Russell has the designation for the 516th on his memorial, but during WWII, it was known as the 3367th Signal Service Battalion.

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Marie Wallner

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