52 Photos Week 43: Love

+11 votes

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WikiTree profile: Space:52_Photos_Week_43_Love
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

15 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

1920s - Love at the very beginning.

First marriage of my great-aunt Dora (born: Davidović) to mr. Hajnik, around 1920. Even though this marriage didn't last, on this day, Dora looked very, very happy and in love.

Dora had a daughter with Mr. Hajnik in 1923 and in 1932 she was divorced from Mr. Hajnik. Later on, in 1938 Dora actually married my grandmother Danica Lang's uncle - Avram Lang. This marriage was cut short after only about 4 years, after Gestapo arrested Avram Lang and after some imprisonment in a concentration camp, they murdered him, along with almost complete Jewish community in Belgrade.

My great-uncle Oskar Obrad Davidović is also on this photo, right behind the groom (Mr. Hajnik is the blond one, with the mustache, on Dora's left - our right)

by Ana Davidović Wijnberg G2G1 (1.7k points)
+19 votes

This is a 1920 photo of my great grandfather Thomas McCleery with his only grandchild, my father. Even though Thomas had fathered five children, one had died young, one son was killed in WWI, and his two other sons did not have children. Only my grandmother had blessed him with a grandson that he dearly loved. Also my father loved his favorite toy, his teddy bear.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (898k points)
What a sweet picture! Thank you for sharing it Alexis.
Alexis this photo is so sweet thank you for sharing
Thank you Susan, i thought of you when I scanned this photo with the teddy bear.
I love the teddybear Alexis
Susan, I love the photo of your father and the teddy bear on his profile. I think it is one of the most adorable photos on all of WikiTree. Thank you for your sweet comment.
Thank you Maria for your lovely comment. I feel that my father’s birth the week after his son’s death in WWI must have been a source of comfort for my great grandfather.
I'm sure it was, Alexis!
Wonderful, sweet photo!
Thank you S D for your lovely comment.
+11 votes

Gustav Lewerenz and and his wife Sophia nee Clasen with their beloved granddaughter Anita Lewerenz (my father's sister) at a wedding in 1934.

Anita died 1952 in a traffic accident while riding her bicycle. Her grandfather was still living.

Sorry for the bad quality of the image, it is a part of a big wedding photo.

by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Thank you Dieter for sharing your photo of Gustav and Sophia and dear little Anita. Love for a child is such an unconditional love.
+11 votes

This is the 1963 wedding photo of my maternal grandparents, Lester C. Bobbett and Shirley J. (Sloan) Bobbett. My grandfather is still living, but my grandmother passed away almost 2 years ago now. She is the one who got me interested in genealogy. Much of the work on my maternal side was based off of her research.

Love you and miss you grandma!


by Robert Ward G2G6 Mach 3 (34.9k points)
Robert, your grandmother is beautiful, and she has the sweetest smile. That is wonderful that you love her, and she got you interested in genealogy. Thank you for sharing the photo of your grandparents.
Robert what a magnificent wedding photo thank you for sharing
+11 votes

My Grandparents Ethyl Cribbie and Myrle Raymer on their wedding day in 1933. Their marriage ended when my grandmother passed away during childbirth in 1938.

by Ron Raymer G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)
Ron, thank you for sharing your wonderful photo of your grandparents and their story. It is certainly sad that Ethyl died in childbirth. I have a great grandmother and two great great grandmothers that died in childbirth. All three of them left a husband with small children. It must have been a very difficult time for your grandfather.
Gorgeous photo Ron of your grandparents wedding day

How sad about your grandmother
The cake is interesting. Someone must have said, "go outside, Ethyl and Mryle,  and I'll take your picture," and someone else said, "oh, we need a picture of the cake, too!" and set up a little table outside so it could be in the picture. And then carefully carried it back inside to a proper table where it could be cut and served.
+15 votes

I love this picture of my grandmother Plina and her father William Lane. He was an itinerant woodcutter and very poor.  Plina's mother died when Plina was only five, and she went to live in the Troy orphanage. But in this picture, she and her father are happy together.

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
edited by Joyce Vander Bogart
Thank you Joyce for sharing your lovely family photo of your grandmother, adorable little Pina, with her father. It looks like they are walking through wild flowers. It is certainly a sad story that he had to put her in a orphanage.
Thank you Joyce for sharing this wonderful photo
This picture looks to me as taken out of a fairy tale. It is lovely. Thank you for sharing Joyce!
Joyce, the photograph is a beautiful moment in a tragic story.  Poignant. My hear aches for this little girl and for the father who had to make the decision to give her up.  Thank you for sharing!
+8 votes

There are some disturbing activities by a few anarchists in some of the major cities of the the USA.  We have the greatest country on the planet.  So, I get a little upset when people don't seem to appreciate and love what we have here.

Hope I haven't upset anyone, but I "love" my country.  And I know of no one who loved it more than my great uncle, Major Dale Omelia Allison (1903-1978).  He served his county well for many years.  Here he is in uniform about 1943.

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Thank you Bill for sharing your great uncle Major Allison and his love of country. He certainly is handsome in his WWII uniform.
+12 votes

My parents' wedding day, November 1, 1942.  They remained in love for over 60 years.

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
Christine what a wonderful photo of your parents wedding they are gorgeous

Thank you for sharing
Thank you Christine for sharing such a beautiful wedding photo. Glad they were able to have over sixty happy years together.
+9 votes

This photo was taken in 1953 at the University of Western Australia, in Perth, Western Australia of my beautiful Auntie Jeanette, with her girlfriends either side of her, Pam and Judith.  They all shared their love of music, graduating with an Associate in Music.  At the young age of 85 now, Jeanette still confidently plays the piano and proudly shows off her Baby Grand. She has entertained so many with her talented fingers across the keyboard.

by Beverley Grow G2G6 Mach 1 (17.7k points)
Thank you Beverley for sharing your photo of your talented Aunt Jeanette. Yes, she and her girlfriends are beautiful. Glad she can still enjoy playing at age 85.
Thank you Alexis. She gave me my first accordion when I was 8, to introduce me to her love of music.
+9 votes

I went literal with this one.  It's always hard to see the death of a little one.

by Living D G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
Thank you S D for sharing the headstone for Mary Love. Yes, our ancestors often had tragic loses of young children.
+6 votes

I love this photo of my maternal great grandparents, Alice and Axel Johnson with their baby, Dorothy. This is the nicest and earliest photo I have of my great grandparents and of my Aunt Dot. heart This photo was taken in approximately early 1923, because my Aunt Dot was born on Dec 22, 1922 (in New Jersey).

Missy heart

by Missy Berryann G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
Thank you Missy for sharing your wonderful photo of your great grandparents and little Dot. Having a baby in the photo is a great way to determine the age of the photo.
+8 votes

The family of James Ross Bird, my 2x great grandfather, all loved each other. See his wife's profile, Margaret Stillwell,  for an acrostic valentine.


The group photo shows standing in the back left, my great grandfather, Charles Pierson Smith. Seated below also on the left, is Sarah E. Bird, his sister in law, who was a teacher and a nurse. Seated to the right is Mary Cecilia Bird Smith, my great grandmother and wife of Charles Pierson Smith.

by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (392k points)
edited by Marion Ceruti
Thank you Marion for sharing the photo of your family and especially your handsome great grandparents. I loved seeing the cameo and reading about it on the profile of Margaret Stillwell Bird. It is wonderful that it will always stay in your family.
+7 votes

My mother Eliane in 1955 with her father Eugene heart She loved her father very much.

by Isabelle Huth G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)
Isabelle thank you for sharing your adorable photo of your mother and her father. Your grandfather is such a handsome man with a beautiful smile, and it looks like he has gotten your mother a puppy. So sweet!

Yes, he was a lovely and kind man. heart Thank you!

+5 votes

I was blessed with parents who were very easy to love and who loved all of us. They showed us every day they were alive. Me and my Mum - many many years ago. heart

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
edited by Rosalie Neve
No picture
Did that work now Joyce please?
Still no picture. Since you're in it, it is probably privacy protected. Try moving it to this week's free space page.
I hope I have it right now Joyce
YES! What a cutie!
+4 votes

This is my great-grandmother, "Giz," and her sister, Sue.  These two women weathered their lives together and were each other's support.  Pictures passed down are of them shopping together, traveling together, and laughing together.  How lucky they were to have each other in times of death, divorce, and the trials of daily life.

by Jennifer Gonnuscio G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)

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