I am Melody King-Wyatt, gedmtch kits A482481/CU2921302, looking for info on Comfort Patterson, m. Andrew Turner.

+5 votes
WikiTree profile: Melody King
in The Tree House by Melody King G2G Rookie (280 points)
Hi Melody, it would help if you could give some dates and locations for Comfort and Andrew?
Melody king,    please look here   moorecountywallaces.com ,   run ga1990166 in people who match both kits,  our cousin box comes up,     in moore site sullivan and   wallace

2 Answers

+6 votes

Hi Melody,

You could start by using the search box at the top of your profile screen.


You can use this in two ways. You can use it to search by a specific name. You can also search by surname alone and you will find everyone with that surname. This can be narrowed in a number of ways. If you see "Genealogists”, click on that to find active WikiTree members researching that name.

If you want to add family profiles, consider upgrading your account to Family Member (it is free). There is a link on your profile under your name, next to “Guest Member” or use this link to upgrade. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:Genealogist

Just answer the five questions and click on the green box that says "Upgrade”.

Hope that helps!

Peggy W ~ WikiGreeter

by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (931k points)
+6 votes
Hi Melody, and welcome to WikiTree. You have already received some great advice from some of the other genealogists here at WikiTree, so I just came to same hi, and let you know how much fun I have had on WikiTree, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

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