New member introducing myself

+9 votes
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Zuladawn Hall from Chadron, NE. I love learning especially when it involves researching for answers. I love a good mystery and research into my ancestry has provided me with so many conflicting and challenging stories. This passion has blessed me. It has given me a different way to learn about culture, geography and history that I love and more than that it has given back a stronger sense of family unity. I am a retired music teacher. Before retiring, I had incorporated family research and developed lesson plans and even programs focused upon folk music from the countries represented by the children. I watched as the children began talking with their parents and grandparents and even noticed the generational gaps were disappearing. As a result, we chose songs and dances from their various "home" countries. Parents made finger foods and artifacts typical of their ancestral homes. Samples of art were displayed representing their countries. Social studies teachers began created projects that could be either displayed or performed. They created their own passports and went from country to country using all five of their senses: singing, dancing, speakers sharing what they'd learned, smelling, tasting, and eating relevant foods. The years I was able to do this were my happiest years teaching. I am so very happy I chanced upon this site. It is wonderful having "back-up" with others who know and understand that we do need each other to help maintain our work's integrity in tact. I. don't know who's brain child this was, but I'm in awe of the work that had to be involved in organizing and realizing this program into an efficient, accountable, clean method of finding out the truths. amongst the nooks and crannies of life. Thank you all so very much for allowing us to share in the benefits..
WikiTree profile: Zuladawn Hall
in The Tree House by Zuladawn Hall G2G3 (3.4k points)

Hi Zuladawn and welcome to wikitree,

Not to be too picky but its best not to use abbreviations, like NE, we have people from all over the world to which NE means nothing I had to look up Chadron NE to figure out what country you were talking about. I was thinking North England, I found out it means Nebraska USA

Welcome, and I would have thought New England!
Oh, I am so very sorry. Chadron, Nebraska is in the northwest corner of the state and is only an hour south of the Black Hills and about 2 hours from Mount Rushmore west of Rapid City, South Dakota. Thank you so very much for your help. Zuladawn
NE could have referred to the New England Patriots' stadium, too. Thanks for responding . Zuladawn
It's nice meeting you. I will need help. The site has a lot to offer... and to digest. Thanks, I will be hollerin'.
Thank you Laura. I am excited about being a part of the community. I'm still in awe of the magnitude of this site. I have a lot to get acquainted.
Hi, Will. I might have already applied, but I can't find it within the thread, so I'll try again. You are not being picky. I appreciate your cooperation and I am glad you figured it out. Thank you for your help. I need it as this is a whole new world for me.
Wow! I would have loved to have you as a music teacher. It sounds like you really incorporated music into all aspects of your students' lives. I'm sure you still hear from former students. Welcome to wikitree. What music best depicts our little site do you think?
Thank you so very much for the welcome and the kind words. I loved being able to connect the dots, so to speak between subjects: music & math, music & literature , music & geography, etc. Bringing in family history just sort of pulls it all together. This site is so complex, but it maintains the tight structure of a well oiled machine. The Baroque era humanities reflect those same values. The era encompasses structured forms that are strictly adhered to, yet are provided with places within the structure for improv embellishments. The music is mathematical in its performance and certainly as it is being created. Emotions are held at bay in order to maintain its integrity. While allowed, there is a sense of "cool" control about it. So, my answer would have to be music by Johann S. Bach or George Frederick Handel. Indeed, because an atmosphere of comfort and safety cooperating "calmly, politely" I'd probably say Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" represents  emotion but with structure, control, and politeness. It says "Thank you". A more popular piece in the Carol Burnett mode is her song "I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together."

I listened to both pieces and can't choose between the two. Messiah is certainly boisterous and controlled but a bit too fancy for Wikitree. :) Most here wear their pajamas to look for relatives. At least most post that they stay up all night working on them. I think we are close to Carol Burnett in that we do enjoy each other's company. Probably more than we should (thus those late nights). I think I  would say this sites theme song would be something like Bill Evans Trio's Alice in Wonderland.

But, I remind you, I have a tin ear. :)
It doesn't seem like it to me. I'm afraid I stuck you with an odd comparison. The Handel was all about the self discipline, self control, yet they have to follow true and precisely as much as they are able to be able to succeed. Carol Burnett's theme jumped into my mind just as I was beginning to stop. It's a different way of comparison with WikiTree, and yes you caught it. There is an easiness in attitude that comes a safe environment which is usually free from verbal abuse. Carol is upbeat about her contact with the people and so are WikiTree if first impressions are correct. Thanks again.

I'm sure you're right about the music. I was thrown out of church choir. :) It's great to have you here with us.

In the words of Annie in the musical called Annie, "I think I'm goin' to like it here." Thank you so much. You're energetic, enthusiastic and very encouraging. Thank you so very much.

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Welcome to WikiTree & G2G Zuladawn! We have a great community of wonderful members. If you have any questions you can always ask your Greeter or here in G2G. There are a lot of members here that are always willing to help.

I hope that you enjoy being a part of our community!
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+5 votes
Welcome new friend. There are lots of things that can be done on this site. If you need any help just holler.

Loved your intro.
by Ken Hudson G2G6 Mach 1 (16.2k points)
+4 votes
Hi and Welcome Zuladawn to WikiTree! :)
by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (206k points)
Thank you so much. It's really friendly. I like that.

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