Seeking a criminal case historian- York assizes. UK

+1 vote
Hi there Wikitreers,

I am at a road block in my family tree. I'm seeking someone who is able to access historical York Assizes court records and so might help me to expand on their family line some.

My ancestor Thomas Moss was convicted of Sheep Stealing in York Assizes court, then transported to Sydney, Australia for his penance (on the 1st convict voyage of the ship Asia) arriving 1833.

I have enough information from his time in Australia, but am seeking something that might link Thomas with his family left behind in England.

Is there any chance that court documents might have recorded his personal details that relate to his time in England?

The time frame is before Censuses were conducted in England, so that leaves only birth & marriage records. Thomas Moss is such a common name that it has been a challenge to be confident the records relate to 'our' Thomas. So my thought is that maybe there is information that might be uncovered through his court transcripts (they are the next most current identifiable English documents).

Any advice you could offer (no matter how little) will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
WikiTree profile: Thomas Moss
in Genealogy Help by Ken Hudson G2G6 Mach 1 (16.2k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Hi Ken, while you are waiting you might like to move the mid from suffix to a mention in the bio. Unless it is a nickname when it would go in nickname box.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thanks Marion. I suspect I have more profiles to change ;)
+4 votes

Thomas was received aboard the ship Prison hulk Retribution, at Woolwich on 18 September 1832, from York Assizes. (Ancestry. com UK Prison Hulk Registers & Letter Books, 1802-1849) 

The image of the entry reads  Thomas Moss age 21 for sheep stealing, convicted 27 August 1832, sentenced to Life Bound for NSW 4 January 1832 ( suspect that should read 1833)

by Anonymous Woody G2G6 Mach 3 (32.6k points)
He, he, you had me diving there, to check my post for correct dates.

Yes agreed; He arrived in Jun 1833 to Sydney & departing England 4th February 1833.

OK, that's new info; He spent time on a prison hulk too.

Thank you for your efforts.

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