Is there a way to download matches list from myLivingDNA.Com

+2 votes
I've done my DNA test with Ancestry, and uploaded it as everyone suggests, to Gedmatch, FamilyFinder and myLivingDNA.  With the first two, I have got a whole list of matches (many duplicated on both sites), and to easily cross match them, I downloaded them as a spreadsheet from both sites.  However myLivingDNA has come back with 49 pages of matches.  Is there a way to download a whole list on this site with all the data, or is it just go through 1 by 1, as it appears.  I've checked the help menu, and can't see anything, but may be wording my search wrong.
in Genealogy Help by Martin Brabander G2G6 Mach 1 (17.6k points)
Martin, be sure to upload your DNA file to MyHeritage, also. They automatically show which DNA matches are in triangulation groups. That is very valuable.
Thanks to everyone that commented.  I still can't log in again in Firefox, which has updated since it first worked for me. However I got in using Chrome.  Which was interesting, because I answered my own question. Down the left hand bottom of my matches, I now see the option to download in CSV format.  I'm sure that wasn't there when I first looked with Firefox.

So the message I'm taking from this thread is: Use Chrome, and don't expect a big difference in results from Gedmatch.  Thank you again, everyone.

1 Answer

+4 votes
That's weird. I tested at LivingDNA 18 months ago and so far I can't get a match list, since they haven't finished the matching software.
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (139k points)

Oh, I didn't realise how new the site was.  I uploaded my raw data on the 8th October, and got an email back yesterday telling me "You have DNA Matches". I logged on to the site and saw 49 individual pages of matches. However I have just tried to login and take a photo to post here, but can't get the site to load now.  Maybe I broke it. devil

Not everybody has matches at LivingDNA because they are a fairly small database. They've been giving matches for at least a year now. A few months ago they expanded their database to show more distant matches. I"m not aware of LivingDNA having a nice downloadable list of matches. They still have a long way to go as a company.
Try logging in with Chrome. Firefox doesn't work right now for some reason.
Yes, that was the issue. I discovered that after asking their "support staff" (who were not helpful, as usual) and being told to try clearing cookies and flushing the cache.
They generally assume it's a cache issue & can't seem to get past it.  The developer console clearly showed the log in page error. Clearing Firefox cache & cookies wouldn't fix the problem.

They sold thousands of DNA tests at Rootstech a few years ago (2017 I believe). They neglected to make it clear to customers that their development setup was not ready to handle customer expectations. (per discussion with one of their developers) They told customers in 2018 at Rootstech family matching would be available in Oct. (while the developer is sighing behind them) Only took two more years for family matching. Probably get the chromosome browser in two more years.

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