I just found this on the internet:
Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution.
0 Globale Findmittel
1 Inhaftierungsdokumente
2 Registrierungen von Ausländern und deutschen Verfolgten durch öffentliche Einrichtungen, Versicherungen und Firmen (1939-1947)
3 Registrierungen und Akten von Displaced Persons, Kindern und Vermissten
4 Sondereinrichtungen und -maßnahmen der NSDAP
5 Todesmärsche, Identifikatation unbekannter Toter und NS-Prozesse
6 Schriftgut des ITS und seiner Vorgänger
7 Archivalien von Mikroformen (Neumaterial/Dokumentenerwerb)
english translation (the archive can be used in a German and an English version):
0 Global finding aids
1 Detention documents
2 Registrations of foreigners and German persecutees by public institutions, insurance companies and firms (1939-1947)
3 registrations and files of displaced persons, children and missing persons
4 Special facilities and measures of the NSDAP
5 death marches, identification of unknown dead and NS trials
6 Documents of the ITS and its predecessors
7 Microform archives (new material/document acquisition)
This archive contains, among other things, lists of foreigners who lived in Germany, were forced to perform forced labor there, died there, etc., also funeral lists.
Very valuable for people who are looking for ancestors who died or disappeared during the Nazi period in Germany.