How to find missing profiles

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My main geological database is in GRAMPS with others in Ancestry and WikiTree. Is there any methods or tools to allow me to creat a list of persons from each of the for mentioned applications and run a compare to identify who is missing in each DB compared to the other? I’m visualizing a spreadsheet with a list all persons and a X In a column representing a found match in that DB. maybe the inputs could be a GEDCOM file. Any ideas?
in WikiTree Tech by Dave Sellers G2G6 Mach 5 (59.2k points)

2 Answers

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I think there are websites or software to compare gedcom files out there, but my bad idea is to

1. create gedcom files from GRAMPS and Ancestry (make sure you understand the limitations each of those place on creating gedcoms so you're creating comparable files, you may have to do this in chunks)

2. Do the import and GedCompare process (tells you what isn't on wikitree)

3. Copy/Paste the table from GedCompare into Excel for both, and do a vlookup or something to figure out which ones are in GRAMPS but not Ancestry and vice versa

4. Create gedcom from Wikitree, matching up the chunked tree limits to however the gedcoms were created in GRAMPS and Ancestry

5. Import into GRAMPS (assume it has some comparison capability, I haven't used it, but it looks fairly advanced)

6. Import Ancestry gedcom into GRAMPS. Match up whatever was missing from 3 above

7. Import one of those gedcoms into Ancestry (assuming you can do this, don't have an account there either)

now they should be in sync
by Jonathan Crawford G2G6 Pilot (298k points)
Thanks for the suggestions. You gave me some ideas. I’ll keep looking.

The issues with your suggestions are:

An import into GRAMPS just adds it to the DB. There is no compare like in WT.

In Ancestry, it just creates a new tree, again no compare function. Importing a GEDCOM to Ancestry does leverage the automated source lookups (hints) which is useful.

Found this., no clue if thats usable for you

We need to bug Michel to get that wikitree grampslet working for you 

0 votes
You might be able to use RootsMagic, import each GEDCOM as a separate database and do a side by side compare. Or from each separate one select all a drag into one large combined database then look for duplicates. I don't remember if you could use color coding applied to each separate db and have this carried to the combined one. Most/all of this should be available in the free version.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (639k points)

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