What is the difference between project sticker to project box for notables?

+2 votes

I was going through my watchlist in the weekly email and saw "Data Doctor: changed project sticker to project box".

I need clarification about what is the difference between the 2 and when I am supposed to use them, please.  I don't really understand the function of the project box, I guess, and prefer the sticker. TIA

WikiTree profile: Albert Godfrey
in Policy and Style by Kathryn Penner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.9k points)
I believe the project box is used when the Project is co-Manager.

The difference is a Project box is only used on a profile that is managed by a Project. The Project will add the Project box. Sometimes either the Project has been added as a manager but for some reason, the Project box was not added or vise-versa. In this case, the Project was added as a co-manager but did not add the Project box. A Data Doctor caught it and corrected it by removing the sticker and adding the Project box.

This page explains more about Project Boxes and has the link to the page about stickers.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Melanie is right. A Project box has to be on a profile managed by a Project. A sticker can be added to any profile.

It was changed because the Notables Project is a co-manager of that profile.
by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)
Usually Notables Project is a PM on Living profiles.  The Notables Sticker is usually on 'deceased' profiles.  

There are many Suggestions because the Notables Project Box is on profiles and the Notables Account is not a co-PM, so those 'probably' need to become 'Notables Sticker' instead of 'Notables' which is the Project Box.

Usually when a Project Account is added to a profile, the project box is added at the same time, but there are usually multiple things going on and it is a 2 step process.
Edited due to misunderstanding what I read. No sense to repeat what was already said. :)
I did not misunderstand so, I will say it again.

Notables are not always living people. The Notable Project has Pre-1700 and Pre-1500 Notables.

The project added the Project box in August and they are co-manager so this was not a mistake. The Project box needs to stay.

I have seen what you are talking about, but I always contact the Project before removing a Project box. Sometimes it happens unintentionally. Some Project members can add the box but are not able to add the Project as a manager. They sometimes unintentionally forget to go add the project as a manager.

Laura, from the Notables Project page, it has the following, which is what I had seen previously

Add the Notables Project Box or the Notables Sticker to the biography {{Notables}} or {{Notables Sticker}}

  1. The Notables Project Box should only be used for profiles that are not Open Privacy. This would include profiles for living notables as well as deceased notables who have some controversial information that is at risk of being changed and need additional protections.
  2. In most cases, all deceased notable profiles should use the Notables Sticker.
Managed profiles are not locked. That is why they are managed. PPP profiles have to be Project managed. That way a Project is watching over them.

The whole point is that that Project is co-manager and added the project box. So, it is not incorrect or they would not have done this two months ago.

I work on a lot of Project managed profiles and they are not locked. Look at the list of Notables born before 1500, none of them are locked. They are managed, have project boxes and many are PPP. They are all unlocked though.
I understand most Project managed are not locked.  I am only stating what it has on the Notables Project page, which I think is a change from what it used to be when they did 'unlocked' profiles.
I think that you are right. It may be that the information was not updated. I believe I do remember seeing something about profiles being locked in the past.

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