What is WIkitree+

+1 vote
in WikiTree Help by Annette Boshoff G2G6 (9.4k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

WikiTree+ is an independent service offered for free by Aleš Trtnik. Although Aleš is a WikiTree Team Member, WikiTree+ is not a part of WikiTree. It uses data that is publicly available to everyone.

See: Help:WikiTree Plus

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (794k points)
Thank you for this info. How do I subscribe/attach this to my wikitree? The reports mentioned don't show on my dropdown menus.

There are a few ways to get there:

Select "Suggestions" from the pull-down menu at the top of any page to see a list of possible suggestions and potential improvements. All the menu links say "Suggestions" but there are three types of reports:

  • Suggestions for profiles you manage. These are linked from the "My WikiTree" menu.
  • Suggestions for profiles related to a person (not accessible from G2G). These are linked from the person menu that starts with the person's WikiTree ID on person-related pages. On pages that aren't related to another person, the person menu is your own. These suggestions are still not the same as the ones you get from the My WikiTree menu. This report is for profiles that are related to you, many of which you may not have created or contributed to.
  • Suggestions for profiles with a given surname. These are linked from the surname menu that appears on surname-related pages (e.g., https://www.wikitree.com/genealogy/KLOPPERS).

You can also access WikiTree+ reports from Categories (look at the top right of the screen for the WikiTree+ Search/Navigate links).

Probably the easiest way to access WikiTree+ (for general searches and report options) is to bookmark the main console: https://wikitree.sdms.si/default.htm

You can also click on the WikiTree+ logo wherever you see it: 

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