Looking for Ancestor of Willis Nelson, Halifax county Virginia

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Hello! My name is William Chadwick Nelson and I was born in South Boston, VA. My grandmother used to tell me stories about our family but with her passing in 2002, much of that was lost.

I'm new to the site, but have been searching for a few months and have gone as far as possible with my ancestry 14 day account trial and what resources I've found online. Many have found like me, with the pandemic the genealogy centers are closed which blocks more in depth searching outside of the regular internet. Willis Nelson, who married Nancy Loftis in 1832 is my 3rd great grandfather. His parentage and their origins are the subject of my search. I've asked my family about any records or family bibles and I am waiting on that as well, but I'm hoping someone else has pulled on this string and already unraveled this mystery. Any help on my journey would be greatly appreciated!
in Genealogy Help by William Nelson G2G Crew (530 points)

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