Pending Merge on Cadfan (Cynan) Conan

+2 votes

This profile has a pending merge on it, but I can't complete it as I lack the pre-1500 certification. (This is one that has the "fictional" template as well). I wasn't entirely sure how to tag it, since its approx 0350 CE, so I hope this was enough to get it addressed. Thanks!

On 12 May 2020 Billy (Howard) Day wrote on Cynan-10:

[[Ap Cynan-16]] and Cynan-10 appear to represent the same person because: Obviously same person. Same father, birth place, birth era, bio. Different children listed.

WikiTree profile: Cadfan ap Cynan
in Genealogy Help by Sarah Grimaldi G2G6 Mach 2 (22.2k points)
Your so right... and yet.

The Wales Project are looking at these old profiles and trying to decide how to deal with them. The fact is that someone with a singular lack of understand of Welsh patronymics decided that the surname was Cynan. Wrong...

The second problem is whether we should include legendary characters at all. There is mention of Cadfan in a variety of sources, but none that we should count as reliable. For instance he is mentioned in the Brut y Tywysogion otherwise known as the Gwentian Chronicle. (A copy of which I have beside me) But although this was said to have been written by Caradoc of Llancarvan who died about 1147, many people now believe it to have been "enhanced" in the late 18th century. He is also mentioned in Enwogion Cymru, where there are quite a lot of details. Unfortunately these have been taken from the ByT.

As Darlene so rightly says, we need help with researching these profiles. Any additional sources you can give would be much appreciated.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

One of the problems is that there are duplicate profiles for the father also, but each one has a different father.  Then of course we have the issue of these being possibly fictional profiles for people that never existed.  So it's not quite so easy as just merging them . . .  Perhaps you'd like to try and research them a bit to see if you can figure out the proper lineage?  wink

by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (570k points)
selected by Steve Bartlett

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