Is there a fast way to get to my personal G2G profile?

+5 votes
I know I can get there through the overall wikitree menu, I'm just wondering if there's an easy method in G2G--I keep wanting to check on something I answered, for example, and end up scrabbling through the top tabs looking for my profile.  I keep wanting there to be a 'me' link under "Users" or "My feed" since in either case it feels logical there, but there isn't.
in WikiTree Tech by Celia Marsh G2G6 Mach 7 (74.7k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
My mother was named after her ancestor, Jane Elizabeth Marsh and Jane Elizabeth Marsh was a descendant of Colonel Joel Marsh who served in the American Revolutionary War. I was wondering how far back your Marsh line has been traced.
Only 4 generations, we're adopted.

3 Answers

+5 votes
You have a G2G feed, but you have to use your profile . Click on  My WikiTree upper right, then scroll down and click on G2G feed.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (908k points)
I know that way, I just want to know if there's a way to get there from within the G2G interface, particularly since the places that seem to be logical places to look don't have links--I can easily get to other users through the user tab, but not myself!
(Which seems particularly strange because when I'm on my profile page, the tabs show me as being in a subtab of the users, I just can't get directly here from there?)

Even on g2g you still have the "My WikiTree" linky-thing at the top right.  Just mouseover that and flow down the dropdown to where it says g2g profile and click.


I don't need to go to my profile first, then click it.  I don't need to leave g2g.

+6 votes
Click on your name from any answer, question or comment you have given. It will take you to your G2G profile.
by Chris McCombs G2G6 Mach 6 (62.5k points)
+4 votes
I believe if you click on the My Feed tab at the top if the G2G interface, it will show you what you're looking for. At least that will give you a running list of where you've been lately.

If you're looking for your User profile, I usually go to the User tab in the G2G interface and hunt it down. If you wanted to bookmark it, you could just make it a bookmark/favorite, since it always stays the same.

Or you could bookmark your Activity (recent activity):
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

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