I am working on the template design with Emma and she doesn't know how to search templates. Which is why I asked.
In WikiTree+ when you search TemplateText=Enslaved, for example, where do you enter that parameter? The Text search area.
As I've asked before, How do you formulate search syntax with boolean operators?
How do you run this search, for example:
LastNameatBirth=Daniel AND (FirstName=Joseph OR FirstName=Nathan) AND (BirthLocation=North Carolina OR BirthLocation=Virginia) AND Category=Slave Holder
I want to know the order of operations for WikiTree Search and WikiTree+. I want to understand the options available. I am not trying to run a specific search. I want to understand the search parameters over all. Isn't there some documentation, somewhere for this? Isn't there someone who formulates complex searches using boolean operators?