How do I add a ghost town

+6 votes
I have tried to add my two ghost towns under the California_Ghost_Town sub category but it is blocked with a message to add it to a lower category.  I already have Free-Space profiles for my two towns but I can't find a sub category that will link them to California_Ghost_Towns. It's almost Halloween and I thought this would be fun but I need help!

My two profiles are
WikiTree profile: Space:La_Graciosa
in WikiTree Tech by Jim Harris G2G6 (8.1k points)
retagged by Isabelle Martin

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

The warning on the Category says to place profiles in narrower categories, so this does not apply to your Space pages and you can place them there.

As a side note, I have no idea why this would be considered a high-level category, since subcategories would be very few and some never used to house profiles (since there will be very few - if any - contemporary records verifying inhabitants).

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (795k points)
selected by Lynden Rodriguez

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