Why does the sticker for migrating from England to Canada show the French flag instead of the English flag?

+3 votes
in WikiTree Tech by Jack Leigh G2G1 (1.2k points)
Flags on migration stickers are what you put there, so if you want a French flag, you would use a French flag.  If you wanted an English flag, you would use an English flag.
Yes of course.  I copied the template for France to Canada migration and changed the word France to England and still got the French flag instead of the English flag.  What did I do wrong?
I see I have to change the name of the flag file to the file that holds a copy of the England flag.  But I can't find the England flag.
I guess WikiTree wants me to use the UK flag and the country can be specified in the words.  I don't particularly like that but I can live with it.

If you want the flag of England - ie the red St George cross on white, you need image WikiTree-57.png

edited to correct spelling

The England flag is also image Flags-8.jpg

If you know the County, you can use the flag for it, if you wish. UK flag images can be found here : https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:UK_Flags

You can also designate the place born thusly : {{England Sticker|Cumberland|Carlisle}}

Hi Jack - on the "in-bound" side, I'm not sure if the ancestors you're talking about migrated after 1867 (Canadian confederation) - in which case Canada and the "Maple Leaf" flag work - or in prior periods. If it's earlier then a different destination name and flag should be considered.
My parents both migrated from England to Canada in the early 1900s.  Fortunately for me they both ended up in Vancouver.

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