Any relatives? Gladkowski/Pawlak

+1 vote
Updating since I was able to obtain some information on Grandfather Alex Gladkowski.  The most I have had so far.  Now I need on Grandmother Martha Pawlak from Poland.  Or maybe even Germany or Russia. Grandfather ended up being from Russia and not Poland as I had previously thought.  Have dates for her of 04/03/1889-07/05/1965.  I know the death date is correct but birth I have seen things with a range of 5-10 years difference.
WikiTree profile: Alexander Gladkowski
in Genealogy Help by Barbara Price G2G1 (1.5k points)
edited by Barbara Price

2 Answers

+2 votes
Have you tried It is a free site.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Yes, thank you.  I am already on that site also.  Have my own information on there regarding Alex.  That is all I have from family history.  Was always told his Father was Frank Gladkowski and Mothers name Veronica.  Nothing more.  I have his death certificate and that is all that is on it also. Have come across a few different spellings on the last name.  Have not been successful with any Polish searches either or even DNA connections.
+2 votes
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947 on gives this record:

Alexander Gladkowski  

birthdate:  22Aug1885  place: Zumbrucka, Poland

death Date:  08Jun1943  place: Rockdale, Will, Illinois

burial date:  12Aug1943  place:  Joliet Township, Will, Illinois

Cemetery name:  Holy Cross

death age:  57

race:  black

marital status:  M

residence: Rockdale, Will, Illinois

father name:  Frank Gladkowski

father birth place:  Zumbrucka, Poland

mother name: Veronica

mother birth place:  Poland

spouse name:  Martha

FHL film number:  1983456
by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 2 (29.9k points)
Thank you for the reply.  Already have this information.  Most of this is already on my FamilySearch site.  I have my Grandfathers death certificate but it only lists his Father as Alex Gladkowski and Mother as Veronica.  No maiden name.  This is just from family recollections.  Alex died when my Father was only 15 so not much information.  I have not even been successful with DNA matching so far on Paternal side.
Accept for the naturalization card and ships record.  This is the first time seeing that information.  Very interesting!  Thank you again.
What do you have to do to get race changed on official forms?  Lists Grandfathers race as black and he was not.  Was white race from Poland.  I don't know if that is what causes some of the problems I encounter trying to find further information on him or not.

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