No response from a profile manager

+6 votes
Hi Folks. First Post. i'm just checking on protocol. I've got a chap I want to create a profile for, but I'm getting a possible match. All there is on the match is a first and last name, and a very rough birth range. The only link on the profile is to a 'private' daughter. One of my chap's daughter's I cannot trace, and I'd like to exclude or confirm the connection. I've sent a PM to the manager, but have had no response, and it doesn't appear she's been active here since 2018.

How should I proceed? My instinct is, in the absence of a response, to create the profile and merge later if necessary, but as a newby I'd appreciate some guidance.
in WikiTree Help by Andy Hort G2G1 (1.9k points)
Welcome Andy,

So glad you didn’t create a duplicate, that is definitely not the way to go. And yes, you need to message the profile manager and add comment to the profile then after a reasonable time you can file an Unresponsive manager report.

Well worked out.
Many thanks. I'll do that.

1 Answer

+6 votes

Ok. Good forum you've got here. Related questions have given me the answer. Specifically

by Andy Hort G2G1 (1.9k points)

3 different types of messages required to start Unresponsive Profile Manager Process

  1. Request Trusted list on the profile in question
  2. Leave a message on his profile page
  3. send a Private message to the person
Wait a week, then you can file the Unresponsive PM form.  Admin will try to contact them and since they haven't been active in a while, hopefully, about a week later, you will get a message that the profile has been orphaned and you can adopt it.  Make sure that when you file the form, you select whether you want other relatives of that person's profiles to also be opened up. 
Thanks Linda. I've now sent a trusted list request and left a comment on the profile in question.  I'll see where we are in a week's time.

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