Yeah, I don't think it does that (but I may be wrong!). I know with DNA Circles, it would give us people that it said were related to us. Most times (for me) it wasn't that the person was related to me, but rather that he/she was a parent or spouse of someone that was related. One thing I've noticed, though, is that if you have a name spelled differently in your tree than others have it in their tree, it won't show you the other person as related (i.e. say you have it as Heinrich Schnell and they have Henry Snell). If the wife is spelled the same, ThruLines will connect you to the wife but not the husband. I told a cousin about that the other day as he wasn't appearing as a DNA match in ThruLines. As soon as he changed the spelling of the grandparent to be the same way that I (and most others) had it, he suddenly got 'connected' on ThruLines!