52 Photos Week 44: Costumes

+9 votes

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in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
I've got a picture of a great-uncle and the rest of his class in black face for a school play, but I don't think I'll be posting that one....

15 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

I have very few family photos, and certainly none of anyone in costume besides me.  Here's my Catherine Howard costume I made and wore for a convention in Seattle in 2012.  Friends and I recreated Henry VIII and all six wives (I costumed 3 muslin dolls as the royal children).  It was my first attempt at 16th C nobles and it went together fairly well.  My fingers were absolutely hamburger after sewing all the peal beads and gemstones to the French Hood and the trim on the gown.  

by Dorothy O'Hare G2G6 Mach 9 (91.0k points)
selected by Joyce Vander Bogart
I know what you mean about raw hands from sewing. This has happened to me a few times too. Can you post the picture of your excellent costume here? Go to the .jpg URL of your photo and save it on the clip board. Then come back here and click on "edit" under your post. Then click on the photo icon in the upper right and paste in the .jpg address of your photo. This icon looks like two mountains with the sun in the upper left of the box. I hope this helps.
Your picture is still not showing. It is probably privacy protected. Try moving it into this week's free space page first.

I am anxious to see the result of all that sewing.
Hello Joyce, if the picture is on a profile, does that mean that it is in a free space? If all else fails, Dorothy could move the picture onto her profile and then to this page.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong.  I can see the photo in the post.  :/

Dorothy, I would like to help you more but I am at the limit of my knowledge. Some other Wonderful WikiTreers know much more than I do about this. I will defer to their guidance.
Yes, I can see it now! Gorgeous! Thanks for persisting!
Marion, to answer your question: an open profile will have a symbol of an open lock (right top) and you can just "copy image location" and paste it into your answer. A private profile (usually one with a living person) will have a symbol of a closed lock, so you will need to move it onto the week's "free space" page first. It seems like a lot of trouble, but it's worth it to see such interesting pictures!
Thank you for the explanation.
What a beautiful Tudor costume, I admire your sewing skills.
I just chose this as "best answer." It is gorgeous in its own right, and here on Wikitree it is an amazing example of a profile brought to life.
+11 votes

This is a photo of 1920's jewelry and a dress that belonged to my grandmother Pearl Lovelace. I often wore this for a costume. Below is a Halloween 1975 photo of my husband, and me wearing her dress and jewelry. We are with our friends who even dressed their new baby in a costume.



by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
Wow Alexis what a amazing dress, wow Sweet Alexis it is actually you on the photo you look a million, wow you are gorgeous

You look like a film star
Thank you dear sweet Susan. I do not look like that anymore, so the dress is only photographed on a bed now.
+10 votes

Here is my great-aunt Irene. On the back of this picture, she wrote:

November 14, 1986. Founder's Day Parade. Good Samaritan Village, Kissimmee, Florida. Irene A. Mason. (91 in 3 months!)

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
Joyce your great aunt look delightful in her clown costume

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo
+12 votes

Won a costume contest in 2003 with this. My gal was a special effects make-up artist. 

by Ron Raymer G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)
Ron, after seeing your profile photo—amazing makeup!!
Wow. You look like an ancestor.
Thanks, Alexis. You should see my other costumes and " looks"
Wearing this outfit makes you look like a character straight out of the Robin Hood era. Great design! Most likely, many of our ancestors dressed this way if you go back far enough.
+9 votes

My aunt and uncle, Dorothy & Colin Moore in 1974. Dressed to perform in 'The Mikado'

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
Being in the Mikado must have been fun.
+7 votes

Here are a couple of the grandkids, Bruce William Sims and Gracelyn Marie Sims, in costume in 2011 .. and their pet, Molly

And then again in 2014 great-grandson, Taylor James Erfman has joined  them

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
What is Molly's costume? She does not look too happy about it.
+6 votes

OK, this was not a costume at the time when my great uncle, SN2C Hildreth B. Smith, posed for the picture in his US Navy uniform, but it would be a costume today if someone were to wear it to a costume party.

by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (391k points)
+7 votes

My brother John (upper Left) and me as Hop-A-Long Cassidy. About 1953 in Coventry Rhode Island.

by Ronald Kirkland G2G2 (3.0k points)
edited by Ronald Kirkland
How cute! In about 1953 my sister had a boughten cowgirl outfit. The fringe on the skirt tickled her legs so she cut it all off. She and her friend used to play cowhands by roping the kitchen chairs.
+5 votes

Here's a picture from a Halloween party taken on the back steps of my two-room school in Middle LaHave, Nova Scotia. It's undated but appears to be early 1950's. The school closed in 1958 - I attended my first two years (it was just next door!) My father bought the building for a carpenter shop and I spent many more years in it "learning" useful stuff. I don't recognize any of the students in the picture (obviously) however there must be some relatives in the group as I've since learned I was related to many people in the community. The building can be seen on my web site.

by Rod Corkum G2G6 Mach 2 (22.4k points)
I enjoyed reading about Middle LeHave. Your two-room school was bigger than mine, but mine only went to grade 8. High school was in the next town.

Looking at your Halloween picture, it seems to be warm there for the end of October. I remember that we had to wear winter jackets either over or under our costumes.
It was a long time ago but I don't remember it being all that cold when we went trick or treating in those days. It was a rural area and we'd probably walk a mile house to house. Right now  on Halloween night, it's -4°C or 28°F this evening (7:30 pm) in Halifax, Canada. That school was primary to grade 6 in one room and the high school grades 7 to 12 in the other room. They built a regional school 15 km away when this one closed and everyone was bussed there.

Right now here in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, it is 7:30 pm on Halloween night and it is 30 degrees F. Jacket weather! Here is the link to my Wikitree story about my school.

+7 votes

My great grandfather Auguste Oliger in a play theater in Schorbach, Moselle, Lorraine, France. (1937). smiley

by Isabelle Huth G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)
+7 votes

This photo was taken in 1975, of our 4 year old son, Damian's first dress-up costume for Kindergarten.  Earlier that day, Master Damian had decided to leave home, so he packed his little bag with his football, his favourite Mickey Mouse comic book and 27 cents from his money box. He was going to catch the bus to Nanna's, he said as there were 'no kids to play with'. So into the car we got and I signed him up for Kindergarten straight away.  He's never looked back and still to this day (he'll be 50 in a few short weeks!) he loves dressing up with his own children. 

by Beverley Grow G2G6 Mach 1 (17.7k points)
Thank you for the charming story and wonderful photo, Beverley.
Thank you Robin
+3 votes
Three days and no one has brought up these creepy costumes from the early 1900s?


Have fun sleeping tonight! MWAHAHAHAHA!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (827k points)
+5 votes

Just wanted to share a younger version of myself on Halloween in a costume :) 

(with a cat of course)

by Sarah Callis G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
+4 votes

This is me as a genie in 1981 before a middle school Halloween party.  The costume was made by my great-aunt, Lois Cruger Allgaier.  My dad didn't care much for it.  He said it was too revealing.  He was probably right. :)

by Jennifer Gonnuscio G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)
+3 votes

This is NOT a costume; this is my great grandmother's traditional buckskin dress.  At pow wows today, this is called regalia.  [https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Goodwin-3114 Lizzie May Yellow Bird Goodwin]

by Living D G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)

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