Help us choose and improve next week's Connection Finder profiles: US Presidents

+16 votes

Next week, the featured example profiles in the Connection Finder will be US Presidents, beginning with the first, George Washington, in honor of the upcoming US Presidential election.

We're looking for profiles of some of the best remembered or most notable US presidents in US history. Here are a few ideas of what we're looking for and some we're getting started on:

Can you help with these profiles, or expand their families? Adding relatives in any direction helps with connections. Every missing relative you add will make our connections to them closer.

Who else should we feature? Our presidents are well-represented but narrowing who we should feature is tricky.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

WikiTree profile: George Washington
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (791k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten

8 Answers

+10 votes
Harry S Truman and Ronald Reagan are more contemporary and really need some help with their modern extended families....those might be fun to work on.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
+12 votes
What about JFK? That might be interesting also because that could connect (or create, depends if the profile exists or not) Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family in Austria.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+8 votes

1. Washington-11 (George Washington) has 2913 unique ancestors and 9057 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 18 generations

At 19 generations: The ancestor data is too large to be stored. Therefore, if you use a link in the ancestor list to view an ancestral line and return to this page, you will need to generate the ancestor list again if you wish to see it. If you want to make the ancestor data small enough to be stored, try going back fewer generations.

2. Adams-10 (John Adams) has 141 ancestors within 20 generations

3. Jefferson-1 (Thomas Jefferson) has 3364 unique ancestors and 16042 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

4. Madison-1 (James Madison Jr.) has 3121 unique ancestors and 8331 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

5. Monroe-17 (James Monroe) has 16 ancestors within 20 generations

6. Adams-12 (John Quincy Adams) has 1843 unique ancestors and 1599 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

7. Jackson-1115 (Andrew Jackson) has 5 ancestors within 20 generations

8. Van_Buren-1 (Martin Van Buren Sr.) has 76 unique ancestors and 9 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

9. Harrison-912 (William Harrison) has 3421 unique ancestors and 10684 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

10. Tyler-150 (John Tyler) has 847 unique ancestors and 263 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
As for Andrew Jackson, I am interested because I have a direct ancestor named after him. There is a whole space page documenting the controversy about his paternal line, so I would not recommend him as part of the project next week, even though at first glance, it seems there is a lot of work to be done.
+7 votes

11. Polk-56 (James Polk) has 16 ancestors within 20 generations

12. Taylor-223 (Zachary Taylor) has 3387 unique ancestors and 13186 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

13. Fillmore-3 (Millard Fillmore) has 1504 unique ancestors and 316 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

14. Pierce-177 (Franklin Pierce) has 574 unique ancestors and 29 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

15. Buchanan-787 (James Buchanan Jr.) has 1247 unique ancestors and 3569 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

16. Lincoln-103 (Abraham Lincoln) has 107 ancestors within 20 generations

17. Johnson-10479 (Andrew Johnson) has 4 ancestors within 20 generations

18. Grant-468 (Ulysses S. Grant) has 817 unique ancestors and 1305 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

19. Hayes-229 (Rutherford Hayes) has 1014 unique ancestors and 159 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

20. Garfield-39 (James Garfield) has 804 unique ancestors and 40 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+6 votes

21. Arthur-49 (Chester Arthur) has 180 unique ancestors and 143 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

22. Cleveland-110 (Grover Cleveland) has 2065 unique ancestors and 2437 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

23. Harrison-913 (Benjamin Harrison) has 2374 unique ancestors and 2574 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

24. Cleveland-110 (Grover Cleveland) has 2065 unique ancestors and 2437 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

25. McKinley-184 (William McKinley Jr.) has 27 ancestors within 20 generations

26. Roosevelt-18 (Theodore Roosevelt Jr.) has 2835 unique ancestors and 36692 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

27. Taft-21 (William Taft) has 2334 unique ancestors and 1119 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

28. Wilson-7591 (Woodrow Wilson) has 1079 unique ancestors and 4332 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

29. Harding-4 (Warren Harding) has 1328 unique ancestors and 300 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

30. Coolidge-13 (Calvin Coolidge Jr.) has 4253 unique ancestors and 1886 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+5 votes

31. Hoover-328 (Herbert Hoover) has 1854 unique ancestors and 648 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

32. Roosevelt-1 (Franklin Roosevelt) has 5250 unique ancestors and 28346 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

33. Truman-3 (Harry Truman) has 1157 unique ancestors and 273 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

34. Eisenhower-1 (Dwight Eisenhower) has 132 unique ancestors and 1 duplicate ancestor (an additional line of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

35. Kennedy-96 (John Kennedy) has 33 ancestors within 20 generations

36. Johnson-8927 (Lyndon Johnson) has 241 unique ancestors and 7 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

37. Nixon-22 (Richard Nixon) has 1724 unique ancestors and 191 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

38. King-1042 (Gerald Rudolph (King) Ford Jr.) has 3225 unique ancestors and 1325 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

39. living

40. Reagan-1 (Ronald Reagan) has 31 ancestors within 20 generations

41. Bush-7 (George Bush) has 4499 unique ancestors and 1466 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations

42. living

43. living

44. living

45. living

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
+8 votes

This request has inspired me to try to get rid of bad genealogy in my connection paths to some of the presidents.

I have removed two unsourced and totally implausible links from connection paths to Thomas Jefferson, and I now think my connection to him is probably valid. smiley

My connection to George Washington currently hinges on the supposed relationship of Samuel Hayward and his supposed father Nicholas Hayward. I left a note on the Samuel profile, outlining my doubts.

There is a very dubious link in my connection path to Abraham Lincoln, via the unsourced minimal profile of William Payne and the similarly minimal profile of his alleged wife. With no sources and no biography, I guess it was not hard to connect these people across a wide geographic divide.

And I have documented my skepticism in notes on three profiles that assert (contrary to the available sources) that the sister of one of my ancestors was the mother of a woman whom WikiTree shows as a direct ancestor of Gerald Ford.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+5 votes
My 3rd great-grandmother, Sarah Maria Taft, was blood cousins with William Howard Taft.
by Scott Hutchins G2G6 Mach 2 (27.0k points)

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