Suggestions News and Updates (October 25th 2020) [closed]

+14 votes


  • I made quite a few Improvements to geolocation algorithms so locations are better matched to the actual place.
  • The location table was redesigned, to make it easyer for me to maintain.
  • Due to Maps being fetured in weekly news last week, I had to redesign data management due to high volume of requests. Now maps work much faster all the time.
  • I redesigned the reselection of displayed profiled in the top menu. They are all merged into one dialog.
  • I added a possibility on WikiTree+ search results to display the results on the map. Link is in heading. Look for WikiTree+ Map link
  • I added a new magic word: MissingLocation to find profiles without the location. You can also use BirthLocation=MissingLocation or DeathLocation=MissingLocation to find missing locations just in one of the fields.
  • I added Privacy to the search index. You can one of the folowing privacy values to limit the results: Private, PrivatePB (Private with Public Biography), PrivatePT (Private with Public Family Tree), PrivatePBPT (Private with Public Biography and Family Tree), Public And Open
  • I redesigned the field names, that you can searh by. Now you can define following things:
    • BirthLocation=Ljubljana
    • BirthCountry=Slovenia
    • DeathLocation=Ljubljana
    • DeathCountry=Slovenia
    • Location=Ljubljana (searches both locations)
    • Country=Slovenia (searches both locations)

Previous News

  • I added links to WikiTree+ Maps on each profile, that is shown on WikiTree+. See
  • Problem in biography dump for the 29th september was resolved. All bio related suggestions are up to date.
  • A few updates were done to locations table so some new location related suggestions mimgh appear.
  • I added PRDH template conversion also to EditBOT automated updates and to WikiTree+ Extension on Automated corrections and to Source paster.
  • I corrected almost all dead links to PRDH. They were changed to a template where possible. Here are the log files .
  • Due to country table improvement, there are many new suggestions in 6x8 suggestions.
  • I have split the table into 5 smaller ones similar to the WT+ online grouping. You can now jump to each table directly from TOC. Also each table has the totals for that table.
  • There was a bug in unconnected profiles showing more and more profiles, that were connected as unconnected. This is now resolved.
  • Pre1500 profiles for suggestion 921 were all unprotected as requested by pre1500 group.
  • Added new suggestion regarding inline references. It is 872 Named Inline citation error. This performs additional checks similar to 871 and 872 but for named references. and just for the additional close tag (/ref). There are some other instances of typos listed here.
  • A new version of WikiTree+ Chrome Extension is published. Changes in version 0.3.6 are:
    • Resolved a URL change of Edit page on WikiTree
    • Resolved a problem with not saving if no manual changes were made.
    • Turning off the Enhanced editor on Extension use.
  • Spatial modul of WikiTree+ got a new addition. Maps. There are 2 usages of the spatial modul.
  • I added Difficulty rating to suggestions (Easy, Intermediate and Advanced). That identifies the required expirience to resolve a suggestion.
  • Made some data updates in the country table. I also added a column showing the item difference since the last week.
  • Added a new magic word construct Creator_ + WikiTreeID to the search engine. It finds all profiles that were created by that user. Here is an example for all profiles created by me. You can extend the search to find all profiles created by me and no longer managed by me by searching for Creator_Trtnik-2 NOT Trtnik-2
  • Added new suggestion 421 Hidden marriage on public or open profiles. A marriage can be hidden from displaying on the profiles. This is used for additional privacy. But using it on open and public profiels is not its intent. It is causing problems with suggestions, where you don't see the marriage on the profile and have no idea of what is wrong until you enter the edit mode, where you can see the marriage.
  • Wikidata template got sameas parameter. It will function same as with FindAGrave template.
  • I added additional checking of template parameters. That was in suggestion 848. I created 4 new ones 894-897 that will cover all parameter problems. In suggestion 897 Error in template parameters I added checking of parameters that link to WikiTree pages. It is done for Categories, Projects, Space pages and Project Needs categories.
  • Added new magic word SourceJunkUnmergedMatchPendingMerge and templatetext=Andersson to WikiTree+ search engine.


    closed with the note: Outdated
    in The Tree House by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (853k points)
    closed by Aleš Trtnik
    • Added 602, 632 and 662 - Separators in Location suggestions.
    Suggestions suggestions on 20201025 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open Hidden New
    602 Separators in Birth Location 62320 1224 514 5668 12372 34344 8197 1 59037 64
    632 Separators in Death Location 42967 1232 273 3418 6931 22963 8147 3 40935 59
    662 Separators in Marriage Location 15333 331 56 1201 3502 8934 1309 14473 20

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