Which Dracula are you most closely connected to?

+29 votes

This week's Example Profile of the Week is the "real" Count Dracula, Vlad of Wallachia.

Featured alongside him are people who have portrayed Dracula in movies and television:

Who are you most closely connected to? If you're one of the 20,745,000 of us who are connected to each other on our big tree you can check with the Connection Finder.

You can also check for shared ancestors with the Relationship Finder. Are you a cousin to any of them?

Let us know below!

P.S. Help us choose and improve profiles for next week's feature: US Presidents.

WikiTree profile: Vlad III of Wallachia
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (788k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
Frank Langella
19 degrees Christopher Lee

19 degrees Lon Chaney
John Carradine is a 14th cousin, but no other "blood" relatives.
You forgot George Hamilton "love at first bite" a funny Dracula movie and Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows played by Jonathan Frick.
17 th cousin 1x with David Caradean closest vampire.
12 degrees Lon Chaney
John Carradine and Lon Chaney Jr.  Both are 10th cousins, 3 times removed.
19 degrees from Lon Cheney, Jr. who is my 14th cousin.
Closest connection: Bela Lugosi and John Carradine tie at 19 degrees.

Closest relationship: John Carradine - 10th cousins twice removed via Anthony Bessey.

Does anyone else find it interesting that Bela Lugosi's parents are not linked into his profile, even though they are named in his bio?
barnabas Collins was played by Jonathan Frid

46 Answers

+20 votes
I'm closest to John Carradine with 21 degrees.

I'm most distant to Vlad the Original with 33 degrees. Should I feel safe or should I increase the distance?
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (600k points)
+21 votes
Closest is Sir Christopher Lee (15 degrees), furthest being Gloria Holden (29 degrees)
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (254k points)
+19 votes
I am most closely connected to Christopher Lee at 26 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
+20 votes

I'm closest to John Carradine with 17 degrees. We are 7th cousins twice removed, via Reyer Michielszen.

Lon Chaney and I are also 23 degrees and 12th cousins twice removed

Update 2024: John is now a 6th cousin 3x removed via Jeremias Mebie (16 degrees)

Lon is now a 14th cousin 4x removed (18 degrees)

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
edited by Aaron Gullison
+17 votes

I'm 19 from John Carradine, 19 from Lon Chaney, 22 from Gloria Holden, 22 from Bela Lugosi, 22 from David Niven, 23 from Sir Christopher Lee, 23 from Leslie Nielsen, and 25 from Rutger Hauer.

 Lon Chaney and I are 12th cousins 2x removed...

John Carradine and I are 17th cousins 4x removed...

Happy Halloween to all Wiki ghosts and ghoulies!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+19 votes
I dont like counting my degrees where I go through my husband so I count his seperately.

That being said, I have 5 connections to these names directly through my own family, and the remaining 4 connections come down through my french canadians husbands family.

My closest connection is Christopher Lee at 21 degrees

My husbands closest connection is Bela Lugosi at 20 degrees.

Surprisingly, the original Dracula (Vlad 3) is connected to me and my family at 30 degrees - the longest connection naturally -  considering how long ago he lived.

No actually cousin relationships on either side.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
*does the Jedi mind trick* You are not connected to the Sith lord. ;)
+18 votes
28 degrees from Vlad III of Wallachia

18 degrees from John Carradine. 9th cousin once removed MRCA Adam Mott (1561- Bef. 1661). I guess that means I must be related to David "Grasshopper" Carradine his son as well.

19 degrees from Lon Chaney Jr. 15th cousin twice removed, some uncertainty on my end.MRCA John Sulliard (1430-1488). Again, I guess that means I must be related to his dad, Lon Chaney Sr., the man of a thousand faces and the original Phantom of the Opera, too.

23 degrees from Rutger Hauer

25 degrees from Gloria Holden

20 degrees from Christopher Lee

22 degrees from Bela Legosi

23 degrees from Leslie Nielsen

19 degrees from David Nevin
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
+20 votes

I came upon Wikitree some months ago while trying to find out more about the Casket Girls--vampires sealed in the Ursuline Covent in New Orleans. A creepy story, but I still haven't figured out if any of them were relatives.

Bram Stoker is my 8th cousin 6 times removed. Happy Halloween!

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
edited by Joyce Vander Bogart
+17 votes
I'm most closely connected to John Carradine and Lon Cheney. Both are 30 degrees and go through my Texas cousin. The most interesting connection is for me the one to Christopher Lee with 32 steps, because he is one of the rare cases where the connection doesn't go through Texas, but through my relatives in Pennsylvania.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+18 votes
Lon Chaney, Jr. is my 14th cousin once removed.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
+17 votes
Lon Chaney Jr and I are 25th cousins
by Ron Raymer G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)
+17 votes

It is John Carradine for me too, with 19 degrees. We are also Eighth cousins twice removed, with a common Jackson ancestor.

I know this is Dracula's time to shine but I want to mention a small story about Boris Karloff. When my dad was growing up in post war Bulgaria he and his friends all thought Boris Karloff was Bulgarian since that is a Bulgarian name. (Censorship was really tight at the time.) When my dad defected and came to the US he was sooo disappointed to find out it was stage name and he was really English: William Henry Pratt

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
That was interesting! Thanks for sharing.
+15 votes
19 degrees from John Carradine, 17th cousins, once removed, Some uncertainly on both sides. MRCA is John Stanley.

20 degrees from Lon Chaney, Jr. 12th cousin twice removed. MRCA David Stone (1480 - 1543)

20 degrees from Bela Lugosi

21 degrees from Leslie Nielsen

22 degrees from christopher Lee

23 degrees from David Niven

24 degrees from Margaret Allison

24 degrees Gloria Holden

26 degrees from Rutger Hauer

30 degrees from the original dracula.
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (288k points)
edited by Jennifer Robins
+17 votes
26 from Gloria.

25 Degrees from Frank Drebin of Police Squad. (Yeah, I know it's Dracula themed this week. But, still!)

23 Degrees from David Niven and Christopher Lee. Sorry, Mr. Sith lord.

22 Degrees from Carradine, Lon and Rutger.

21 from Bella Lugosi?! WHAT?! That's unexpected. LOL.

The guy who played Dracula in Monster Squad is still around. He did a pretty good job. Dracula's on screen death was pretty cool in that movie.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (825k points)
+16 votes
18 degrees from John Carradine (10th cousins twice removed MRCA Thomas Moore b. 1565 (Moore-806))
21 degrees from Lon Chaney (16th cousins twice removed MRCA Hugh Francis b. 1379 (Francis-171))
22 degrees from Christopher Lee (17th cousins 3x removed from his mother's husband Harcourt George Rose b. 1833 (Rose-5749))
23 degrees from Rutger Hauer (11th cousins of his son-in-law's ex-wife's father Lewis Arquette b. 1935 (Arquette-39))
23 degrees from Gloria Holden (8th cousins 4x removed from her brother-in-law Hobart Reinhold Marvin b. 1900 (Marvin-1729))
23 degrees from Bela Lugosi
23 degrees from Leslie Nielsen (8th cousins 4x removed from his 1st cousin's wife Janet Russell b. 1920's (Russell-16063))
24 degrees from David Niven (12th cousins 6x removed from his gm's husband Charles Gurney b. 1833 (Gurney-945))
29 degrees from Vlad III of Wallachia, (6th cousins 20x removed from his 1st cousin twice removed (ggaunt's daughter) Katarzyna Piast b. 1367 (Piast-137).
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
+16 votes

Ha! I'm thinking I should probably be Dracula one of these years.

8th Cousins, 3x Removed from Lon Chaney Jr
10th Cousins, 2x Removed from John Carradine

32 Degrees from Vlad... and that's close enough. :D

by Stef Anderson G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)
+16 votes
Closest John Carridene and Lon Chaney at 19 degrees, and Vlad is 28 degrees .... Happy Halloween
by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+15 votes
My closest connection is John Carradine at 19 degrees.

And I don't know how long it's been there without my noticing, but I love that you can click the X to find a connection that doesn't go through a particular person. There's one of my lines with a father/son link I find questionable that often ends up as a connection path, and it's nice to be able to drop that line.
by Sharon Casteel G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
The expansion of the connection finder is fairly new - I think it began in September 2020.

But yes it is so very useful to have!!
+16 votes
Through my parents (some paternal, some maternal) I am connected to all of those listed. The closest is Christopher Lee (21 degrees) and the furthest is Vlad himself (31 degrees).

I do not, however, appear to have a blood relationship with any of them

by Timothy Stevenson G2G1 (1.0k points)
John Carradine and I are apparently 8th cousins twice removed!

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