Anyone interested in the Kemp or Barwick family of Florida?

+3 votes
Added parents, siblings, first husband, and 8 of 9 children (one still living) for Maggie (Kemp) Barwick
WikiTree profile: Maggie Barwick
in Genealogy Help by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (295k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Maggie, I am coordinating a Kemp One-Name Study and would be very interested in the Kemp family in Florida.
by Andrew Kemp G2G2 (2.5k points)

Hello, Andrew.  I am Carolyn.  Maggie is the subject of the profile to which I added relatives.  LOL  You are welcome to adopt her family line.

Are you aware of the Bahamas Genealogy Group?  Actually there is a Bahamas Project here on Wikitree, but I also belong to the Bahamas Genealogy Group which corresponds via email. It is not part of Wikitree but a lot of Wikitree people are in that group. I have  a few Kemps who married into my lines from the Bahamas.  The people in the group are extremely helpful, and include some professional genealogists.

Check it out here: bahamasgenealogygroup@groups io  

Hello Carolyn.

Many thanks for the pointer to the Bahamas Genealogy Group. I have applied to join and look forward to fleshing out the Kemp lines from the Bahamas.

I am a member here on WT of the Bahamas project and tag profiles appropriately as I come across them.

Thanks again.
You are welcome!  Glad to hear you joined the group.  There are a number of Kemp descendants in the group, so I am sure you will get a good response.
+3 votes
I am a Kemp descendant from Gadsden County, FL. I am very interested in breaking through some brick walls!
by Christine Grissom G2G Rookie (290 points)

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