Looking for book: "Thomas Williams and his Descendants"

+2 votes
Hello All,

I'm trying to get ahold of the book "Thomas Williams and his Descendants" by Rebecca Williams Harris, self published in 1982. I tried interlibrary loan, but no library was willing to loan it to my library.

This book is out of print, the author is deceased. Does anyone have a copy of it? Can someone scan the pages for me or I would be willing to pay to have a copy made since this is out of print. Desperately looking for the information on the pages! Thanks.
in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

I know you've probably already looked at it, and that it isn't what you need. But just in case...

Rebecca Williams Harris's two-volume monograph, Daniel Williams and His Kin (Daniel, 1751-1831, being the eldest son of Joseph Williams and Mary Hicks) is digitized and available on FamilySearch: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/365226?availability=Family%20History%20Library.

The books are dedicated, in part, to Thomas Hugh Williams. Some of first section of Volume I addresses an earlier immigrant, i.e., it begins with a John Williams who arrived in Isle of Wight in 1638. Also in Volume I are sections for Thomas Williams of Fayette County, Tennessee, on page 89; Thomas Hicks Williams of Fayette County, Tennessee on page 120; Thomas Hugh Williams on page 131; Thomas Arnold Williams on page 140...well, you get the idea. Lotta Thomases. Neither manuscript shows a publication date, so I'm betting that what you're looking for is likely newer, revised data. Or focused on these Williamses, but on a different line.

But just thought I'd mention it. 'Cause, you know; can't hurt to try. smiley

by Edison Williams G2G6 Pilot (465k points)

Thanks, Ed! I'll have a look at it. smiley

Also this more recent, but different author, missive about the same John Williams line...may head down a line of descendancy that isn't applicable, though. A whopping 120MB+ PDF: https://ia800903.us.archive.org/3/items/WilliamsEBookFinal15Feb2019/Williams%20eBook-Final%2015%20Feb%202019.pdf.

P.S. As a full disclosure, my patrilineal line ain't got nuthin' to do with this one. At least not that my own modestly-sized clan is aware of.

+2 votes
A different possibility--BYU Idaho, David O. McKay Library in Rexburg, ID has a record for that title in WorldCat that is listed as archival material.  If you haven't already, you might call them directly and speak to a librarian in Reference there.  I've been able to purchase a copy of a digital work from BYU's Harold Lee library.   

I searched Worldcat for this with the title.  The record for BYU-Idaho was the fourth in the results.
by Jo McCaleb G2G6 Mach 4 (41.2k points)
That's a great idea. Thanks, Jo. If no one here has a copy, I'll call them.

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