Who are the parents of Sarah Pease/Pearse Stockwell?

+7 votes
Hello all! I'm looking for help from those of you who are more expert than I in pre-1700 sources and genealogy. I spend most of my time in 1850+.

These two profiles are duplicates, but as you can see the mothers/parents are vastly different. I would love to sort this out since there are obvious sources on both profiles. Any help appreciated!


WikiTree profile: Sarah Stockwell
in Genealogy Help by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I don’t believe Pease-143 is the daughter of Abigail Randall. I have done quite a bit of research on Robert Pease’s family and this Sarah doesn’t come up.
Hi William. I adopted this profile a while back since it's my family, but I didn't do the research. Can you check the research and see where the error is occurring? I haven't done any research this far back on this line.
I will see what I can find tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you, William!

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Most of what is known about Sarah is through her husband, which is common at this time period. We know from Suffield VR, The History of Deerfield and a land transaction documented in Hartford and Maine that Sarah and Eleazer Stockwell married 1700, had children (I only found a record for 1 but 5 are mentioned in family genealogies) Moved to the Housatonic valley in Western Mass, sold what was apparently Sarah's inheritance from a Richard Pease(Pearse) and a John Brown from Maine. We don't really know when Eleazer or Sarah died but it was certainly after 1732.

From this we can conclude that the Sarah's are almost certainly the same person. The mismatched marriages are due to a misreading of the Deerfield record which gives details of all the returning captives from 1675 which included Eleazer's Father, the account clearly states that Sarah and Eleazer married at Suffield not Deerfield. There are no records for either Sarah's death so the difference in death date is no difference since neither profile knows when Sarah died. Finally Sarah's last name is most likely Pearse: The Stockwell genealogy suggests that Sarah's Father was William Pease and her grand parents Richard Pease and Sarah Brown. But The land records refer to Sarah and to Richard as Pearse. The Suffield  VR also use the surname Pearse. Suffield is a town that originally included many Pease's from Enfield and it is unlikely that they would misspell these surnames. And this Sarah does not appear in any of the pre 1700 Pease families in Enfield or Suffield.

If you Merge the Sarah's I can update the bio and provide better documentation of the sources.
by Bill Pease G2G6 Mach 3 (33.0k points)
selected by Emma MacBeath
thank you a million times over, William! I will go ahead and put in a merge request and remove Abigail Randall as the mother.
The merge is now completed. Thanks so much, William!

+5 votes
Are they the same person tho? Different death dates, different parents.

Needs more investigation, I would not merge as is.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
They have the same spouse and children. That's all I know. I have no plans to merge at this point since I assume these actually represent different people. I need to know which one is Eleazer's correct wife or which are the correct parents.
Seems like William would be a good person to work with on this.
+3 votes

Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire reports Sarah married Eleazer Stockwell is "likely" the daughter of William^2 Pearce (Richard^1). 

Richard^1 Pearce's wife was Elizabeth Brown, the daughter of John Brown (see Brown-7551 and Brown-84499) ... thus explaining the comment that either Eleazer or Eleazer and Sarah "sold what was apparently Sarah's inheritance from a Richard Pease(Pearse) and a John Brown from Maine." 

See Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, Water Goodwin Davis [and David Curtis Dearborn], Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire (Portland, Maine, Southworth Press [originally in 5 parts, paginated consecutively], 1928-1939; rpt, Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012), 554 (25. William Pierce); digital images, InternetArchive] (borrow).  

(I'm working to whittle away at the duplicated profiles of the various associated persons. See also "Some Pierce of Essex County Research.")

by GeneJ X G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
edited by GeneJ X

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