This is a topic that I have very different opinions on than some other Wikitreers. I am an NPE born much more recently than of your ancestors. I am linked on here to my biological father and his entire family, despite how my various cousins may feel about it. I have a philosophical belief that every human being has a right to their identity and to a place in their biological (and adoptive, if applicable) families. Now, our family members can choose whether they want to interact with us -- that is their right -- but to exclude any human being, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, from the family tree is, to my mind, the ultimate genealogical sin. It is unforgivable to me to deny a human being their identity on the basis that "your existence is unacceptable/inconvenient to me personally".
When people cry about so-and-so's feelings, my retort is that we all will experience many emotions in our lives. Some of them are complicated and difficult emotions. No one can assure you that your emotions will never be hurt; that your world will never be rocked; that your family will always have the same familiar shape that you assumed it would.
My take is that I would always link people to their correct biological parents and explain the circumstances, if necessary, in the biography.