Anyone interested in the Collins family of Georgia?

+6 votes
Added two wives and 4 children to Miles Collins of Georgia.  Ready for adoption.
WikiTree profile: Miles Collins
in Genealogy Help by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (298k points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
I have Collins family in Georgia. My great-grandmother was Ida Collins.

Miles Collins is the Great-Uncle of wife of my 3rd cousin 1 x removed

Susan McMichael
by Susan Ellen Smith G2G6 Mach 8 (88.8k points)
Hi, Susan.  They are up for adoption, if interested.
My maternal grandfather is Tom Collins, Jr.
+4 votes
I have lots of Collins in GA---they used to be Colleran most from County Sligo, Ireland
by Jean Roach G2G6 (8.1k points)
+5 votes
My Y-67 is all Collins, 8 in fact. My Y-111 is all Collins as well Directing me towards Miles Collins, this one of Tattnell, County Georgia.
by Michael Wilson G2G Crew (350 points)
+5 votes
I am interested in know who is my ancestors on the Collins. John Collins 1890-1922 is my 3 x remove great grandfather. I would love to know more since I am working on my family tree on family search.
by anonymous G2G Crew (350 points)
Hi, all.  If you need help with your Collins line, please ask for help on another  thread.  This post is just to try to find someone who wants to adopt the line mentioned at the beginning.  Good luck in your research.

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