Do I have to be the profile manager of a profile I add?

+7 votes
Hello, I am a newbie in the last month but I am already considering a few projects.  If I add a profile, do I have to remain the profile manager or can I disconnect myself from that profile?  I just want to make sure I don't start on a project and not be able to live up to my responsibilities.

As a second question, if I decide to join a project will there be someone dedicated to the project for me to go to with questions?

Thank you.
in WikiTree Help by Gail Martin G2G5 (5.2k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
You can remove yourself as PM and stay on the trusted list, or you can remove yourself from the trusted list, which also removes you as PM. This is true for open profiles but for some privacy levels, you have to stay as PM otherwise nobody would be able to access the profile (except admin).
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
Thank you.  So much to learn!
+7 votes
You don't have to stay as PM of a profile unless it is for a living person and there is no other PM on the profile. If you don't wish to actively manage a profile then it preferable that you remove yourself from it and allow someone else to do the task instead.

Re: projects - all projects have leaders and help pages. You can see them under the Find menu > Projects at the top right of the screen. Projects often consist of various teams  and each of the teams has at least one leader as well. Some projects also have short training courses, to help members learn about relevant sources and profile standards within the project.
by Living Ford G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
Thank you for the great information.

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