I have a png image file that will not show on the profile page despite using suggested format.

+1 vote
WikiTree profile: James Jackson
in Photos by William Hayes G2G Crew (870 points)

Have you tried placing it in the text of the biography, instead of under the Sources header?

Also - it says it is protected, so have you tried attaching it to a different profile/space page?
Yes. I placed a jpg file there and it works fine. I tried the pcn file there but it would not show. I then realized I had added it as a "photo" rather than a "source" so I changed its classification to source and tried first in the biography text, then in the source text. The image does not appear and I can't think of another way to approach the problem.
No, but I had no trouble attaching the jpg file and I am the creator and owner of this profile.
Have you tried removing it, and re-uploading it?  (Change it slightly, so the system doesn't see it as already existing.  A single same-colour pixel anywhere on the image usually does the trick.)
Ah Dennis, that must be the problem. It is just a B&W image of a newspaper clipping which I assumed would be a small file, but for some reason it is much larger than 10 MB.
If you need help scaling it down, just ask.
Melanie, I had no trouble reducing the file size, but then couldn't replace the existing file and couldn't figure out how to delete the existing file and start over

On the image/file there should be a section that says "People & Things in the Image: "

Underneath the image name is a list of radio button choices - one of which is "Remove from image"


Click the profile, scroll down and SAVE.

If the image is attached to only one profile, it will be removed, although sometimes it may "hang around" for a while, until the database realises you really want it gone.  (If it is attached to multiple profiles (as in my screencap), then you need to click the radio button for all.)

You then upload the new image (source/pdf/whatever) and attach it as usual.

Thanks. I removed the reference to his profile (the only one associated with the image) from the image page. Apparently it is still hanging around today so I changed the name of the image file I had reduced in size and uploaded it as a new source image to the same profile with a new caption. Same problem with this image, it will not show on the profile page despite being only 142 KB. I have checked its properties and it is not protected. However, if I click beneath the list of sources the image page comes up. If I click on the image page the image then comes up. Now how is someone looking at the profile supposed to know to click on white space, then know to click on the resulting image page? This ain't working for me.

I am going to say something I have said in the past that some people said I was wrong over -- despite the filesize being under the limit, the dimensions of the image are rather large.  I have found that images where the width, or height, go above a certain number (I forget what that number is), the image simply does NOT display.  (I usually keep my images under 1000px wide by 1000px high.)

It is my NSHO that the HEIGHT of the image is the problem.

It will display on a space page (using the "raw" url, not image tags), so my suggestion is - create a space page and add the image to it, then place the raw url in the text area, and link the space page to the profile.

(I'm more than happy to help you with the space page.)

An alternative is to "chop" the image up, and make it two, three, or even four separate images.

Edited to correct a typo.

Melanie– Your suggestion resonates with me. The image is over 4000 pixels in height. I'm not familiar with a "space page" but that certainly sounds like the solution. Will wikitree allow me to put html in the source text for the link? –Bill

1 Answer

+4 votes
Hi William.  What is the file size?  Try reducing the file size and see if it will go.  The site handles 10 MB max, and the file would include any metadata that comes along with the photo, even though it's not displayed.  Often people have photos that their own software says are small enough, but for some reason the site sees them as too large.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (595k points)

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