Why shouldn't paternal half-siblings be born within 9 months of each other?

+7 votes
I just noticed today that my birthday was missing from my profile and when I was putting it in I received a warning that siblings should not be born within 9 months of each other unless they were twins. The sibling in question is my paternal half brother that was born just short of 6 months before me to a different mother, which is correctly registered on his profile.
WikiTree profile: Eysteinsson-239
in WikiTree Tech by Sigurður Eysteinsson G2G2 (3.0k points)
I haven't run into this issue, but i will if I enter my nephew and his younger sibling who was born at 28 weeks gestation only 34 weeks after the older child's birth.
If this type of thing shows up as a "suggestion" (aka DBE) after profile creation — mark it as false, and give the reason.

If it happens during profile creation, you can (I think) ignore it, especially when one of the parents is different for the siblings.
P.S. It's also a shame that the tree doesn't allow for both adoptive and biological parents to be registered.
I don't see what the problem is in doing that if it's correctly registered even though biological connection would predominate in the genealogical context of things.
It would make WikiTree an easier sell in Iceland with our tradition of none-traditional family structures. Also, the adoptive parent's are also an important part of peoples biography even though not in strict genetic genealogical terms.

You can attach adoptive parents if the biological parents are not known.  If the bio parents are attached, you can link TO the adoptive parents using the adoption template. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Template:Adopted_Child

Thank you Melanie!
I hadn't seen the Adopted Child Template.
Yes, Melanie, I selected [post anyway]... it just surprised me given we don't share mother's... and it must have passed me by when I created my brother's profile as it erased my birthday.
But no big deal, just thought I'd bring it up to those responsible for the coding of the data_validation code... or what ever it's called ;-)

1 Answer

+5 votes
My best friend's mom gave birth to a son (my best friend's brother) and then eight month later gave birth to my best friend and her twin sister.
by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (947k points)

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