Is there a quickj way to get a total count of number of peope in my database?

+2 votes
in WikiTree Help by Jay Holladay G2G Crew (610 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
You probably refer to the number of profiles you manage. You can see that list via your menu:

In the menu: 'My WikiTree' > 'WatchList'. The number of profiles you manage is on the top of that page.

"My database" does not exist. You can see the total number of profiles in the WikiTree database on the frontpage. We are nearly at 25 Million.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (342k points)
selected by Loretta Morrison
That is true ... Michael is correct we all make contributions to the whole Wikitree data base and a data base just for you doesn't exist.   I took it to mean the number of profiles Jay manages.
And Michael's way is more correct actually.... that gets you the full number of profiles you manage ( in my case 561).   My view I said to do above shows you the number of profiles you manage that are only in your family tree (in my case 471).  Hopefully that helps you Jay!  Thanks Michael!
You are welcome!
+4 votes
Yes, on your profile page first drop down to My Wikitree , pick Family Tree and Tools, scroll down to Family List .  Also Wikitree plus browser extension has many options.

Edit: see my clarification below please:)
by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
edited by Loretta Morrison

I did this from my profile, and got a 15 generation report, and sorted it by birthdate. The profile for the first person on the list came up with two yellow banners:

  • No sources
  • Person may not belong to the family group.


Guess you are busy then, Georgelaugh

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